Monday, August 4, 2014

Broken Promises - Bothersome No More

I used to be bothered whenever a friend fails to fulfill a promise made because I did not know whether I had been lied to deliberately, whether the friendship was a true friendship and whether I mattered at all.  Now, with age and wisdom, I no longer dwell on the failures of others, or on interpersonal relationships or my self-worth.  I now let others fail themselves.  If they make a promise they do not deliver, they have not failed me, they have failed themselves, by not respecting themselves, their own words and making good on them, and by acting like the Enemy, treating others as expendable [1].  For my part, I will keep my focus in life with God as my center, and not be thrown off kilter by what others will freely to do or not do, say or not say, for what they choose and the circumstances surrounding their choices are not for me to judge.  I only need to be at peace with my conscience, my understanding and forgiveness and with God.

[1] In contrast, God never abandons us.  To be like God is not to take another bite of the Forbidden Apple in order to stand superior to others by reducing them to expendable nothingness, but to treat everyone as you would have God treat you, dearly, and unconditionally lovingly.

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