Friday, August 8, 2014

The Chosen People - A Quick Analysis

The Chosen Ones, as far as I know, are ethnic Jews.  Why did God choose them over any other people is unclear, but what is clear is the expectation that the Chosen Ones act like God.  To act like God in a world where Satan roams is not easy.  Being a chosen people is therefore a burden, one that the Jews were unprepared and unwilling to assume, one that must have seemed like a curse in the minds of some.  As a result, the Chosen Ones not only rejected God and the Ten Commandments but also Jesus, the Son of God, Messenger of Love and Prince of Peace in favor of self-serving laws they write, interpret and manipulate to the delight of Satan, the Fallen Angel, Master of Deceit, Instigator of Hate and Prince of Darkness.  Nothing much has changed over the years.  The Chosen Ones have continued to disobey God and reject Jesus, leaving a non-chosen Gentile to wonder from time to time why God would still want to save them.  Perhaps a world without ethnic Jews would be far worse and for that reason, they have been chosen by God and would be forgiven and saved, even though they are far from perfect, like everyone else.

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