Sunday, August 3, 2014

Planning My Confession - Part 2

A thought entered my mind after my last entry.  Since I am obsessed with the endless manifestations and variations of Sin, harmless [1] or otherwise, that need to be confessed, I ask if there is anything that would expiate or expunge them so that a confession would be unnecessary.  The answer came as I recall the greatest commandment of all which is to love God with all of one's heart. [2]  So I wonder if I follow the commandment and love God with all my might, do I still need to go confession, even though I am far from perfect?  In other words, does one's continuous love for God expiate sin or better yet, expunge it, even as one remains a sinner and sins repeatedly?

I do not have an answer.  Any conclusion that I can possibly draw has to be based on my analysis which comes from my faulty intellect, a product of Sin, and can therefore not be acted upon as if it were the Truth.  Absolute certainty can only be had from knowing the Truth, and the Truth can be known only if God wills it to be known.  When God wills the Truth be known, it will originate from the heart, not the gut or the mind.

As of this writing, my heart tells me that I ought to go to confession, but my mind is trying to avoid it on the one hand and on the other telling me to organize my thoughts so that they would not be haphazard, forming a hodgepodge of unlinkable jigsaw puzzle pieces when I enter the confessional.

[1] Can any semblance of sin be ever harmless? 

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