Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Scream

Edvard Munch's 1893 painting, The Scream [1], foreshadowed the suffering of people in the modern world, beginning with 1914's WWI to today's persecution of Christians in Iraq by Islamic militants [2], passing though 1915's Armenian Genocide, 1937's Nanjing Massacre1939's WWII, 1944's Holocaust, 1992's Bosnia Genocide, and 1994's Rwandan Genocide.

Those who say that there is no solution to the persecution of Christians and believe that bombing the rebel militants would be helpful, they have not heeded the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Damascus, Syria and in Brasschaat, Belgium [3], [4]:
Second apparition, First message - Saturday, December 18, 1982, 11:37 pm
My children,
Remember God, because God is with us.
You know all things and yet you know nothing.
Your knowledge is an incomplete knowledge.
But the day will come when you will know all things the way God knows Me.
Do good to those who do evil.
And do not harm anyone.

I have given you oil more than you have asked for,
but I shall give you something much more powerful than oil.
Repent and have faith, and remember Me in your joy.
Announce My Son the Emmanuel.
He who announces Him is saved, and he who does not announce Him, his faith is vain.
Love one another.
I am not asking for money to give to churches, nor for money to distribute to the poor.
I am asking for love.
Those who distribute their money to the poor and to churches,
but have no love, those are nothing.

I shall visit homes more often, because those who go to church, sometimes, do not go there to pray.
I am not asking you to build Me a church, but a shrine.
Do not turn away anyone who asks for help.
[Emphasis added.]
Message from the Holy Virgin (Braaschaatt, Belgium) - Wednesday, August 15, 1990
My children,
Pray for peace, and especially in the East, because you are all brothers in Christ. [Emphasis added.]

With peace the suffering ends, and the scream turns into a smile.

[1]  The most painful scream is the silent scream.  In my mind, the figure in Edvard Munch's painting never made a sound.  He was screaming from his mind and in his heart and he could not stop screaming, even when he wanted to, because the pain was deep in his being, affecting every part of his being.  This figure did not pray.  He never prays because he is there to show the world the intensity of pain that never ceases.  Only with prayer will God heal his wounds, will his pain subside.
[2] I do not have words to preface the raw graphic images on this link, please therefore use discretion before going there:  Christians are also being persecuted in Syria and Libya.
[4] The visionary is a Muslim.  Her name is Myrna Nazzour.  Here is her story: and here is her on Youtube in Canada, September 2012:  Myrna Nazzour has 3,979 views as of today.  The upload is likely 7 months ago.  Compare the number of views received by Myrna Nazzour delivering the words of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to that of a certain comedian that fetched between 14 million to over 17 million views on a number of Youtube uploads.  Little wonder this world is a mess.

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