Sunday, August 31, 2014

Completed My Confession - Conclusion

My penance is to reach out to the homeless and start a conversation, to volunteer at a soup kitchen and the like.  Having compassion is not enough, apparently.  Putting the compassion into action is my assignment.  That is not easy for me, for I prefer solitude, but I will do it.

Fr. Joseph who heard my confession was the priest who gave the homily (in English) at the 11 a.m. Latin Mass.  Coincidentally, or not-so-coincidentally, depending on one's perspective, the Good Samaritan [1], [2] was today's Gospel reading .  The homily echoed the teaching of Jesus Christ Who asked us to do as the Good Samaritan had done, by interrupting life, going out of the way, to help a neighbor in need.

Fr. Joseph noted that St. Augustine likened the man on the road to Jericho who was beaten and robbed to Adam, and the Good Samaritan who paid the innkeeper two silver coins and however many more that were necessary to take care of the injured man to Christ Who came to purchase salvation for the descendants of the fallen Adam by paying the ultimate price--death by crucifixion.

While I am not brave or selfless enough to give up my life for another, perhaps I can give up a little bit, in order to share a laugh and a moment of comfort with another less fortunate [3].

[3] Fr. Joseph also made us recall the victims of war in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria.

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