Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ukraine -- Part Of RU or the EU?

No matter what country you travel to, you can see people going about their daily lives.  The vicissitudes of life in Santiago, Chile are not much different from those in Helsinki, Finland.  In a fundamental sense, people all want to be healthy, happy and loved.

People are people.

People are also different from one another, even members in the same family are different.  If a person has a certain God-given talent, it is still a God-given talent no matter his background or citizenship.  To prove my point, with the benefit of hindsight, a gold-medal Olympian (Victor Ahn) is still a gold-medal Olympian whether he is representing South Korea or the Russian Federation in the Winter Olympics. [1]

Similarly, if a person is proud, small-minded, envious, insecure, bitter, possessive, jealous, unforgiving and vengeful, even if he is gifted, he is going to be the same person in the south pole as he would be in the north pole, and he is going to be the same as a ruler with power or a homeless pauper.

My point here is that it makes no difference from a human standpoint whether Ukraine is part of the European Union or the Russian Federation. [1], [2]  The Ukrainians are still going to need whatever they need economically, whether they ask for it in the Russian, Ukrainian or English. [3]

If the issue is injustice, one must remember that it is part of creation, and that it is incumbent upon everyone to look into one's soul, at the gift of life and at the capacity to love (the equalizer of all that is unequal) and thank God for both, no matter how challenging, and not do the work of Satan and live in pride, in envy, in vengeance and in hate.

It is Satan's hate that creates strife and causes suffering but it is God's love that nullifies hate and lead to peace.

[1] Read about the gold-medalist speed skater Victor Ahn here:
[2] If it is well-known that Russia spy on their citizens, then Edward Snowden has shown the world that no one on earth should labor under the delusion that an individual's right to privacy still exists.
[3] If capitalists think that Ukraine would be better off as part of the EU, they can look at Greece and think again. 

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