Saturday, March 15, 2014

The New Satan

The new Satan would mimic Jesus' humble beginnings.  It [1] would grow up disadvantaged (economically, ethnically or otherwise) in a society or a world that would discriminate against It.  It would be ridiculed and rejected, despised and devalued, belittled and banished.  It would be an outcast but It would not be stupid.  It would play the "disadvantaged and discriminated" cards.  It would be a Victim, with a capital "V" because It would be the Victim of all victims.

Since It would want everyone to see It as a Victim, It would be unlike Jesus Who was a Victor, with a capital "V" because He wants everyone to be victorious like Him, to defeat Evil by resisting Its temptations and rising from Sin's consequence which is Eternal Death so that Eternal Life can be possible.  This is not the only difference between the new Satan, the Victim and Christ, the Victor.

For people who disagree with "The Victim", insult It, reveal Its lies, uncover Its masks, It would not turn the other cheek. [2]  It would be ruthless in the way It seeks vengeance.  Revenges would be carefully planned and timed.  They would be crafted in ways that would conceal the Evil originator so that It can maintain a semblance of innocence and deceive the public.  It would fool a lot of people and It has fooled me. [3]

All the fools would fall into Its trap of lies.  It keeps telling you that you are a victim of injustice.  It wants you to be angry and envious and It wants you believe that you are destined to be a victim and can never be victorious.

To win Its game of deceit, the New Satan has to make everyone a victim.  Its tactic would be to continuously identify new classes of victims and stir up envy and anger in each of their hearts, and turn them into armies of new Satan incarnates and eventually against each other.

The new Satan can be successful in creating discord between strangers as well as between brothers because It knows that God's gift of perfection necessitates differences that actually create harmony but that delicate perfection is easily perverted so that differences would be interpreted as injustices that have to be avenged or as wrongs that have to be righted.  This leads to never-ending animosity and strife, hate and war.

Class warfare is not new.  It stems from inequality and the rudiments of inequality began with Cain and Abel. [4]  The new Satan simply wants to amplify it by pitting one class of interest against another, and the classes of interest can be as unique as they are numerous.  It wants armies of victims of inequality to even the score, as if it can be done.  Satan wants blood to be spilt among the classes to ensure that warfare would be guaranteed through time in the same way that warfare has been unending between the Jews and the Palestinians. [5]  It wants to see neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother.

Presently, battles that are being waged in many countries, even in countries where war has supposedly ended, conflicts are continuing.  The new Satan, Itself a Loser, is carrying a torch from Hell and continuously lighting fires in the hearts of all the world's losers (victim puppets without fortitude that have fallen victim to the Victim) who in turn set peace ablaze with hate and turn earth into burning Hell. [6]

[1] I use the pronoun "It" in this entry to denote the new Satan. "It" could be a "he" or a "she" or have some kind of artificially twisted gender.  It is singular and It is plural.  It is singular when It is the Evil One Itself; It is plural when It exists in and as all Its incarnates, and they are everywhere: they are the poor and the rich, the powerless and the powerful, the rulers and the ruled, the secular and the religious, the Godless and the Gotchas.
[3] Satan is very smart, very articulate and very smooth and beguiling.  The trap is enticing.  It devours.  You know you are dealing with pure evil as soon as you wake up to your senses.
[5] Are they not distant relatives?  "Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East share a very similar gene pool and must be considered closely related and not genetically separate."  See
[6] Any place that is ablaze from conflict is hardly "spring" when bees collect honey from fragrant blossoms.

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