Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hope Is Alive - It Unites, Divides

Not only are the relatives of the passengers on the still-missing Boeing 777 aircraft flown by Malaysia Airlines that departed from Kuala Lumpur on March 8 hopeful (and I assume some are praying to Buddha as well) that the airplane had landed somewhere on the planet and the people who were on board are still alive, but also thousands of Malaysians, many of whom Muslims, are also hoping (and praying to Allah) for the same outcome, [1] as I am sure, some Christians too share the same hope and have been praying for the safety return of those aboard Malaysia Flight MN370.

It is interesting that people are not that much different from one another.  We all have hopes, because hope is part of our common constitution that comes from God Who made everyone and is in some unexplainable way part of everyone, even agnostics and atheists.  But that is where unity ends.

Enter Satan, the Master of Perversion.  The Original Hope [2] It perverted was accomplished by the introduction of a lie into a hope, the hope that by eating the Apple from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, Eve and Adam would be like God.  From that point forward, every hope is perverted except for the purest and I cannot imagine any hope that is inviolate and pure. [3]  Since every hope is tainted by Sin, they contradict each other.  Conflicts arise when individuals and countries each has a different set of hopes.

As an example, on the issue of Crimea's secession, the hope of some Ukrainians is different from the hope of other Ukrainians, leading to disagreements in the international community that is unfolding as a result of a vote this Sunday, March 16, 2104, in Crimea by the people living there choosing to cut political ties with Ukraine and be a part of Russia.

People's hopes are often in conflict and in order to have peace all sides must yield.  Sadly, on the world stage, ego, power trips and revenge takes precedent over common sense and consequently people suffer, to the delight of Satan.

While I am not hopeful that peace on earth will occur anytime soon because of Sin, I am hopeful that prayers that are said, in any language of any religion would be heard by Divine Love.  More immediately, whatever the outcomes of Flight MN370's pilots, passengers and crew and whatever the consequences of Crimea's secession from Ukraine, Divine Love would have intervened because of prayers [4] in ways that only Divine Love comprehends and they are beyond human understanding.

[1], /2014/03/13/13/23/aDsFG.St.4.jpeg,,,
[2] I believe the Original Hope is the one and only hope that God intended for us to have which is to choose freely to love God fully and be united with God forever.
[3] Jesus and His mother, the Virgin Mary, do not need to hope.  They both know the Truth, the Divine Truth.  One does not need to hope when one knows the Truth.
[4] Prayers are hopes expressed by man.  Since hopes are in conflict, so will prayers be in conflict.  Divine Love will be able to see the Truth, and they will always coincide with each other.  In other words, Divine Love and Divine Truth are never in conflict.

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