Monday, March 10, 2014

Another Look At The Apostle John - Jesus' Special Disciple

John was Jesus' special disciple who was not martyred and according to many, he was the only disciple who died a natural death [1] and that he was the disciple who wrote the Book of Revelations, the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John [2], [3], [4], [5].  And John was also the disciple to whom Jesus gave His Mother. [6] That act alone was special enough for not only did John become the son of Mary, he also became Jesus' brother.  The life that Christ had chosen for John was none of Peter's business. [7], [8] 

[3] Book of Revelations -
[4] The Gospel of John -
[5] Letters of John - a synopsis -
[8] In the eyes of Jesus, there was no need for Peter to be jealous, envious or bitter, just as there is no need for anyone to be jealous, envious or bitter if some people are more beautiful, more talented, more healthy, more athletic, more wealthy, more powerful than others.  However, jealousy, envy and bitterness exists, even among the beautiful, talented, healthy, athletic, wealthy and powerful.  Such vices exist because Satan is wielding Its power across the globe and Its armies of Godless, power-hungry, small-minded, envious, bitter, jealous, intolerant, unforgiving, unloving, vindictive pawns are everywhere.  Sometimes, they get beaten back and but new armies of Satanites emerges.  They are stronger, more cunning, more ruthless with different faces.  The battle between God and Godlessness wages on.

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