Sunday, March 23, 2014

Behind The Façade Of Today's Catholic Church

Architecturally significant churches, cathedrals and basilicas with stained glass windows around the world are visited by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  Of the throngs of tourists who enter them, how many actually enter with their hearts with genuine love for and complete faith in Jesus, the beloved Son of God and the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God?  My guess is not many, including those who are in religious garbs.

Not only is interior of the hearts of people lacking in true love for and faith in God, but also the words and actions of the one at the head of the church in the Vatican is a kaleidoscope of begrudges, hypocrisies and contradictions. [1]

There have been recent articles written on the current pope's first year.  Of everything that he had said, the one statement he often repeated has been: "Who am I to judge?" This comes from the words of Jesus, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." [2]

Do not judge simply means not forming an opinion.  Not having an opinion means not having to be merciful.  Only after  one has judged and then condemns another does one need to extend forgiveness and have mercy.  For instance, a puppy, or rather a young and innocent child unexposed to the wiles of society is always trusting and accepting of all that comes his way.  He does not judge and sees no wrong.  Forgiveness is irrelevant and therefore there is no occasion for him to express mercy.  However, if one must judge, then one must forgive in order that he may be forgiven. [3]

This pope, however, mixes up the non-judgmental heart and the merciful heart in such a tortured, non-directional and convoluted way that gives me the image of a straight rope being twisted into a Gordian knot. [4]  Making things complicated is what the Enemy does best.  Truth is always simple and Satan is always out to obscure it, but I think this pope is trying to battle Satan even as he is being strangled by Satan.

His efforts in battling Satan seem to be as complex as his heart and mind which I think are in turmoil.  What is interesting as well as revealing can be found in this pope's March 23, 2014, radio address in which he talked about a "small and egotistical heart" and "I myself a sinner" (I suppose in reference to himself).  If this is in some round-about way a public confession, this pope whom I have deduced has a small, vengeful and egoistical [5] heart has hope.  Compared the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, he has a long way to go.  I hope he wins his battles.

Whether or not he triumphs over Satan, his fans, including his closest collaborators who are cardinals and bishops [6] should realize that Christ, not the pope, is their boss.  The only sinner I am aware of who has allowed people to see through him and into the face of Christ is San Francesco d'Assisi.  This pope is no way resembles the true saint even though he chose to name after him.

I look upon many of the the caretakers of the Catholic church, no matter their rank, as a bunch of politicians [7] with an agenda far from the path to holiness.  It is about the control of money and exercising power over the poor.  All they do is talk about lifting the poor from poverty but at the same time, they are keeping them in poverty, in discontentment and leaving them in a perpetual state of powerlessness.  They want the poor to support them lest they become literally poor, discontent and powerless themselves. [8]  God forbid should that ever happen to a select bunch of well-fed, well-sheltered, well-pampered, over-educated and anal-retentive hypocrites, a far cry from the image of the suffering Christ.

A spiritually dilapidated institution festering in sin, despite all the imposing structures with appealing façades representing it, is my view of today's Catholic church.  I have come to this conclusion based on what I see, read and surmise.  It disappoints me greatly and I wish that I did not have to so conclude.

[1] This is my opinion, formed on what I have seen and read.  Citing every article read or photo seen supporting it is beyond the scope of this entry.  I could be wrong and I would gladly be wrong if it this pope would open up his conscience to the world make a full and complete confession of his sins before God.
[2] See
[3] Ibid
[4] The pope's radio address on March 23, 2014, is partially quoted below:

“Make the heart grow! ‘But I myself am a sinner.’ ‘Who am I to judge?’ This statement, ‘Who am I to judge this? Who am I to gossip about this?... Who am I, who have done the same or worse?’ The heart grows! And the Lord says, ‘Judge not, and you will not be judged! Condemn not, and you will not be condemned! Forgive, and you will be forgiven! Give, and you will receive!’ This [is] generosity of heart! And what will you receive? A good measure, pressed down and overflowing will be poured into your lap. And the image of the person of the person who goes out to collect the wheat with the apron and makes the apron larger so as to receive more, more wheat. If you have a wide, large heart, you can receive more.”
The merciful heart, said Pope Francis, “does not condemn, but forgives, forgets” because God has forgotten my sins; God has forgiven my sins. Enlarge the heart. This is beautiful,” the Pope said: “You are merciful.”

[5] The pope said, "God has forgotten my sins ..."  See Ibid.  Really?  God is loving, merciful but also forgetful?  God has Alzheimer's disease?  He ought to keep both his "egotistical and  egoistical hearts in check.
[7] Birds of a feather flock together.  See invitation by United States politicians inviting a media-manipulating pope to speak before them at
[8] Another fear they have is losing the poor (think donations) to the Evangelicals and therefore it is with urgency that this worldly pope is asking all Catholics to evangelize, and his priests, bishops and cardinals to emerge from the comfort of their surroundings and smell like the sheep they shepherd.  And if he does what he preaches and if he is truly taking after the image of San Francesco d'Assisi, this pope himself will also live among his sheep and smell like one.  See  I suppose that day will be the day the sun no longer rises.

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