Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fate Of Missing Boeing 777 - Only God Knows?

It is not likely that only God knows the fate of the missing Boeing 777.

Welcome to the new, new world of electronic non-detection.  While one camp is working assiduously to spy on everyone and everything around the globe, another camp is working fervently to evade all detections.  Based on the failure to find Malaysia airline flight MN370, a Boeing 777, 21 days after its disappearance on on March 8, 2014, I conclude that the latter camp is winning.

Who are behind this latter group is anyone's guess but whoever they are, they are being paid handsomely, especially after this magic act [1].  Hanoi believes that the aircraft disappeared over Vietnam. [2]  Others believe that the disappearance had something to do with the owner of a patent on a microcontroller used by Freescale Semiconductor, a publicly-traded company headquartered in Austin, Texas. [3] The worth of this patent is uncertain [4] and its potential applications are even more secretive.

With a growing undercurrent of intriguing possibilities, the on-going unsuccessful searches in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean for evidence of a the missing plane based on the assumption that it had crashed are mystifying.

There seems to be something more than meets the eye here.  While the apparent participation by the military of more than two dozen countries [5] in a coordinated search may suggest that the world is largely at peace, something far more ominous, perhaps a conflict of major significance, is probably lurking just beneath the surface.  Whatever that outcome is, God only knows.

[1] Making a Boeing 777 vanish in airspace with 239 people on board is probably the biggest magic act on the world stage.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 carrying 239 people crashed into the sea, reports Vietnamese state media citing a Navy official. The craft disappeared from radars early on Saturday morning [of March 8, 2014,] over Vietnamese airspace.

Vietnamese Air Force planes have spotted two oil slicks which they suspect may have come from the missing airplane, AP reported. The Air Force said the slicks were discovered off the southern tip of Vietnam and resemble the kind of trail left by fuel from a jetliner.

Earlier Vietnamese state media said the plane came down close to Vietnam’s Tho Chu Island, however these reports have not yet been confirmed by Malaysia Airlines who still describe the flight as "missing". At a press conference in Beijing, representatives from Malaysia Airlines said no wreckage has yet been found and they have deployed boats and helicopters in the area to verify reports from the Vietnamese Navy.
Despite local news reports, Vietnamese and Malaysian rescue crews have not located the plane’s signal, but Hanoi believes the craft disappeared in Vietnamese airspace. 

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