Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Solutions For The Ages

Deception and denial are man's solutions for the ages but in reality they create more problems than they solve, making Satan happy.  Satan is the Master Of Deception and man is the Master Of Denial who has learned from Satan the art of deception.  Some of the craftiest deceivers are not magicians but politicians.  Once in a while, a leader speaks the truth. [1]

[1] Vladmir Putin said that the people in Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the central square in Kiev, have seen "one set of thieves being replaced by another" in the government, and that those in power engaging in "dishonest privatisation" have become rich and powerful.  See  Is Putin hinting at the possibility that the $1billion loan guarantee to be spent on energy costs for the Ukrainian people will mostly end up in the hands of corrupt politicians, leaving the people without heat in the winter?  See  Does throwing money at an intractable problem solve anything?

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