Saturday, March 29, 2014

Armenian Christians Massacred In Syria

The report quoted below is from [1]:
[On March 21, 2014] [2] Syrian rebel forces affiliated with Al-Qaeda and based in Turkey crossed the Turkish-Syrian border and attacked the town of Kesab, whose population is predominantly Armenian and Christian

“Armenian churches were reportedly desecrated and Armenians driven from their homes,” Andrew Bennett, Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, said in a statement. “The continued attacks against Christians, including Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Christians and Armenian Catholics, in Syria are unacceptable.”

The head of the Armenian Catholic Church, Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni, told the Fides news agency that “the Christians fled at dawn, some of them in pajamas, without being able to bring anything with them, as soon as they heard the sound of gunfire. The rebels came from the mountains on the border with Turkey. They were many and well armed.”
Christians were slaughtered and this very popular pope and those under him have said nothing.  Their silence is especially deafening in this Lenten season.  The article quoted below reported the massacre of 80 Christians [3]:
Muslims entered the Armenian village of Kessab on March 21st, and killed eighty Christians and desecrated several churches.

They forced the civilians to flee up to the hills. The Syrian Army and the Self Defense Force militia (SDF) fought for three days and drove the jihadists out, on March 25th.

What is very significant is the fact that that these jihadists were sent by the Turkish government, and that the Turkish government was actually shelling the village of Kessab. Here is a video obtained by, of a villager revealing how the Turks shelled the village, and of a poor Christian weeping as he explains how the Muslims attacked him and shot his wife in the head as they were driving, and how he drove in a hot chase pursuit as the terrorists shot at him. Watch the video and see the misery and pain these people go through: [video omitted]

The Muslim attackers took two guard posts overlooking Kessab, and Islamic snipers then began to aim and fire upon the Christian civilians. The local Armenian leadership committee was able to evacuate 670 families into areas in neighboring Basit and Latakia (may God bless them!)

On March 22nd, Syrian soldiers executed a counteroffensive on the jihadists, but on the 23rd the Muslims took the remaining Armenian families hostage and then proceeded to desecrate the town’s three Armenian villages.

[videos omitted]

Bashar al-Assad’s government protested to the UN to take Turkey into account for giving cover for the terrorists as they crossed the border into Kessab. Ken Hachikian of the Armenian National Committee of America made it clear that it is Turkey who is responsible for this attack on the village, and made this protestation:
The Armenian-American community stands united in seeking to reverse the events of the last several days, which has seen militant extremists stream into Kessab from Turkey. We are strongly urging our government, led by President [Barack] Obama and congressional leaders, to send a firm message to Ankara that the safe haven and safe passage being offered to these militant groups intent on destroying Kessab must end … Turkey’s facilitation of al-Qaeda affiliated foreign fighters and their attacks on innocent civilians in Syria undermines ongoing US and international efforts to bring peace to a country ravaged by violence for far too long. For Armenians in the region and around the world, Turkey’s actions are a horrifying and bitter reminder of the genocide committed against the Armenian, Pontian and Syriac communities by Ottoman Turkish authorities from 1915-1923. has been for years exposing Turkey’s plans to revive the Ottoman Empire, and there is no doubt that they want to resume and ultimately finish where they left off in the Armenian Genocide. reported on the human slaughterhouses going on in Syria right now, and how they are massacring Armenian Christians in these houses of slaughter. Turkey is the driving force behind the jihad in Syria, and there is no doubt that they are organizing this violence to annihilate the Christians there.
Did the pope know about this?  If he did, is he praying for the massacred and the survivors?  Why is there no mention of these Christians and the many more who are suffering in the Mideast at Catholic masses?  Do they not collectively bear the face of the suffering Christ?

The Catholic church is an embarrassment and an abomination.  It is an institution that is political rather than holy, that looks after its own selfish and secular interests rather than God's divine plan for the salvation of souls, that utters words without the force of the Holy Spirit, without relevance to the tortured flesh of Christ and without the presence of God's living Love. [4]

The world truly needs the real Francesco d'Assisi (the alter ego of Jesus) as distinguished from this pope who is trying to impersonate the saint, to rebuild the defiled and rotting Catholic church.

While the world is waiting for the next Francesco d'Assisi, the massacred, their families, the refugees and those suffering, in the Mideast and elsewhere around the world, ought to be remembered that they, too, represent the suffering Christ.

[3] Ibid.   See also
[4] The more I analyze the church, its actions as well as its inaction, the more it repulses me.  I still consider myself a Catholic but one who is incapable of coming to her defense.

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