Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

It is good that the world has a day dedicated to love.  Like anything else that is pure and good in the world, love has been contaminated.  Valentine's day is not about love that is pure and wholesome but about monetization of love, merchandising, polyamory, recreational sex of all kinds including bondage and sadomasochism.  Is that so terrible? Not as terrible as abuse of power, sexual abuse, rape, betrayal and murder, for instance, but sinister nonetheless.

To complete the circle of love, Valentine's day should also remind people of sexually transmitted infections, jealous love, spurned lovers and all that goes around, comes around.

If Valentine's day is a day about love, why is it also not a Holy Day of Obligation?  Is the Catholic church so sterile and devoid of love that the thought of reserving a special day to remind people of the love of God and of the ways they can love God in return has never entered its consciousness?  It can rationalize that every day is a day of love, but then every day is also a day of sin, which makes every day a day of repentance.  Daily occurrences are not special.  Even miracles are taken for granted. A special day to remind all the love of God is missing, and is sorely needed.  God is love, but where is the love for God?

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