Friday, February 6, 2015

The Encroaching Hell

Satan does not pick sides [1].  It is in the business of collecting souls to populate Hell because It thinks that man who sins constantly does not deserve God but God has forgiven man out of love and it is up to man to accept or reject the love of God.  Actions that are Christ-like indicates acceptance; those that are anti-Christ means rejection.

Man who often falls short of being Christ-like is able to repent.  Repentance is man's apology for his wrongs against God but retribution is man's anger towards God.  In seeking vengeance, man is in effect saying that God does not matter and that he is the sole judge and executioner.  Whenever God is not absolutely central to a decision, the void in the decision-making process is filled by Satan and the resultant action is necessarily evil, to a greater or lesser degree.

Recently, the world learned of the burning of a man to his death [2] and the Jordanian king is vowing revenge [3].  This intensifies the confusion that already exists, not knowing who the enemy or the friend is, with Muslims in various countries battling Muslims in those same and other countries, adding to the on-going conflicts between the Jews and the Muslims, on top of the underlying currents between the haves and the have-nots, between opposing social, political and religious ideologies as well as among countries vying for economic and military superiority.

Satan must be delirious these days as voices of retribution become louder and louder, as vengeful actions leading to more bloodshed become more and more definitive and as the world becomes more and more hellish. [4], [5]

[1] The fact that the world had gone through periods (including world wars and the age of crusades) where many more people had been tortured and killed than the on-going "regional" conflicts in the Mideast, in the Ukraine and elsewhere does not make them and those who caused them any less evil or, from Satan's perspective, more promising.  For Satan, evil is evil, and It is is constantly tempting man (including speaking to him while imitating the voice of God) to make the wrong choices on both sides of an on-going conflict (or to start one), regardless of era, in order to pack Its Hell with sorry souls.
[2] Hell is often depicted as an inferno.  That being the case, scenes of Hell on earth are being witnessed.  One of the most horrific is the burning of a Jordanian pilot captured by ISIL who might have caused or intended to cause conflagration such as those reported here:
[4] Perhaps Saddam Hussein had the correct foresight in saying that the invasion of Iraq would start "The mother of all battles."

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