Monday, February 9, 2015

God's Call

Many religious over the centuries had heard God's call [1]. Even certain secular leaders had heard from either God or the Holy Spirit.  As far as I know, neither God nor the Holy Spirit speaks, but then again, who am I to hear them speak? Who did speak was the third part of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, but nobody listens to Him--nobody I personally know.  Many people (and I) talk about Him, about His parables but do not live up to His expectations.  Most (including myself), however, do live up to Satan's expectations but Its name is not often mentioned.  Why is that?  Does Satan not deserve credit for the sins that are committed?  Is it because Satan does not speak to people enough for It to be in the forefront of people's consciousness?

If people can hear the voice of God, they can hear the voice of Satan.  If a person can detect a "call" to do God's will, to follow the footsteps of Christ, how can the person be so certain that it is not a "call" from Satan to contaminate true discipleship?  Is it not true that not all religious, no matter what garb they wear, are quite sinful themselves?  How many religious will kneel down and wash the feet of another religious? [2]  If a secular leader hears a voice to invade another country or change its regime via a coup d'etat can it be Satan's?  Why is the clear voice of Christ who told all to love thy enemy [3] fallen on deaf ears?

Perhaps the world ought to talk less about God and more about Satan.  After all, Satan is what the world adores and Hell is where the world is headed.

[1] A religious who feels the compulsion to take vows and lead a religious life could very well have heard God's "call"--not a verbal one but one so definitive that no doubt is left in the mind and heart of the person called to serve God.

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