Saturday, February 28, 2015

How Far Is Heaven?

Knowing where Heaven is exactly, as if it can defined by measurable boundaries, does not mean that anyone can go there and experience it nor does it mean that nobody can.  Wherever Heaven is, it is not as far as one might imagine by looking up into the sky when Heaven can be a state of mind in which case Heaven is always nearby.  The way there is neither secretive nor tortuous; in contrast, it is to Hell that the path is deceitful and twisted.

To experience a moment in Heaven, one must first be cognizant of the streams of energy directed toward Hell, then gather the will to stop that energy flow.  These two steps are not difficult.  All one needs to do is to extricate oneself for a while from social media, mass entertainment and consumption, news and politics, unhealthful obsessions and sinful indulgences, and deposit such things into a receptacle of worldly silliness so it can be put it away and forgotten about for as long as possible.

The uncluttered mind can then be aware of the spirit that has become weightless, having been freed from the burdens of worldly matters, enabling it to float upward toward Heaven, and bringing with it the mind's intellect to experience what could be possible as opposed to what is.

If more and more people are able to have a taste of Heaven, then more and more people would want to replicate Heaven on earth.  This is a dream and only in a dream will earth and Heaven coincide.  In reality, Heaven remains amorphously far reachable only by thought in conjunction with the spirit at its moment of purity.

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