Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Two Layers Of Love

Contrary to popular opinion, love is not blind.  It, however, has two layers, neither of which man has or is able to possess.

Jesus, the Son of God, through incarnation [1], became a man Who was different from every other man.  He was sinless and as such His love was different from every other man's.  It was unconditional.  No man is able to love unconditionally but He had done so because He is, in His other Person of the Holy Trinity, God.

Unconditional love is the love of Jesus for man.  Obedient love is the love of Jesus for God. Obedient love is not only unconditional, but also absolute.

Both unconditional and obedient love may sound like blind love, which is defined here as irrational love but they are not. Irrational love is loving someone whose mind includes thoughts that are influenced by Satan.  Among them are twisted rationalizations, crowd mentalities and secularized relativisms.  Jesus never loved man blindly and certainly never accepted thoughts that were Satanic.

Jesus nonetheless loved man unconditionally.  He saw sinners as they were, forgave them unconditionally for past wrongs, but asked them not to sin again.  Not ever committing another sin in the future was not a condition precedent to Jesus' forgiveness.  To sin again would be one's free choice. Jesus would forgive again, and again, unconditionally out of love, but not naively without knowledge of the Truth.

The love Jesus had for God was beyond unconditional.  Jesus loved God obediently even in the face of mental torment, physical torture and crucifixion.  In His vulnerable state of the flesh, His love of God was absolute and with full knowledge that God is perfection in pure justice and eternal in pure goodness.

As much as He would rather not suffer, Jesus did drink from the cup that was handed to Him, a cup filled with the sins of man for the salvation of man, the content of which no man but the Son of God has the requisite unconditional and absolute love for God in His Sacred Heart to absorb.

[1] The sole reason for Jesus' incarnation is to absorb from every man his Original Sin and Sin's myriad permutations and the sole reason for Jesus' death is to resurrect to forever destroy eternal death that was the consequence of eating the Forbidden Apple--a small detail the Serpent apparently omitted to tell Adam and Eve.  As hated as lawyers can be, had they been already roaming around the Garden of Eden, they would have provided the fine print showing the reasons for not eating the Apple and the effects subsequent to ingestion.

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