Friday, February 13, 2015

Christ The Healer -- His Mother The Intercessor

Jesus' healings are documented in the Gospels.  Included in a chronology of Jesus' miracles [1] are the miraculous healings.  They took place over two millennia ago but new ones are still occurring around the world.  Today, Christ is still the healer and His Mother is the channel that leads to His healings.  The Blessed Virgin Mary welcomes the afflicted regardless of religious beliefs in the many shrines around the world that were built as a result of Her apparitions.  Those who go there to pray with purity of heart and unyielding faith are heard, and their requests granted in ways God thinks are best.

I would like to distinguish between the church Jesus built upon Peter [2] and the chapels or shrines requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary, for example, at Lourdes, France [3], at Tepeyac Hill, Mexico [4] and at Veilankanni, India [5], [6].  These and other similar chapels or shrines are not churches in my view, but each of them a home for the Mother of God and the Mother of all.  Every home of Blessed Virgin Mary's is like any home where a mother is waiting for her children.  While Jesus built His church on the rock that was Peter, His Mother had asked for a humble place at various sites around the world to call home, not to glorify Herself, but to welcome all her earthly children, a place where all can go to and feel safe and pray for help.

In Her home, the Blessed Virgin Mary would listen to Her children.  In Heaven, She would intercede by praying with the angels on behalf of those who ask with deep faith and sincerity.  I believe that whenever She intercedes, Her Son listens and acts in accordance with Her wishes.

Not only does the Blessed Virgin Mary have homes where people can go visit Her, She has made Herself available to all who pray to Her.  Individuals are temporarily transformed into temples when they pray, temples in which the Blessed Virgin Mary would feel comfortable calling home.

[5]  There was no written record that the Blessed Virgin Mary requested a chapel but a thatched chapel was built at the site where a crippled boy was healed.
[6] A video of Vailankanni can be seen here:  It is a worthwhile 38.34 minutes except where the narrator at approximately 18:51 said that the Lady asked for a church to be built in her honor.  These made-up words do not comport with the humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in my opinion grossly exaggerate the intent of the Blessed Mother. While the Blessed Mother deserves the best, it is best to portray Her as Who She is, a humble and loving Mother devoted to God and Her family with no ego and no desire for grandiosity.

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