Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lent 2015

Last Christmas is not quite yet a distant memory and the Lenten season is almost here.  This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which officially marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is a 40-day period during "which Catholics pray, fast, contemplate, and engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline." [1]  The number of Catholics who actually engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline specific to this period is probably small based on the fact that most Catholics do not even attend Mass weekly.  Those who do and still can find new acts of spiritual self-discipline to engage in, Lent after Lent, are probably on the road to sainthood since a virtuous practice adopted in a Lenten season ought to become permanent in life. If that is not the case, what is the point of doing it for 40 days?  On second thought, being good for 40 consecutive days out of the year is better than 40 hours. Forty consecutive days should give one enough time to be aware of oneself, to allow for some distance to view the situation and give it the proper perspective.  Realistically, however, regressing to a not-so-virtuous habit after 40 days of Lent is naturally something one looks forward to with eagerness, going back to for example, indulgence in pornography [2], unwholesome sex, drugs and alcohol, and doing so with a vengeance, having voluntarily starved oneself for 40 days. Life then becomes secularly sinful once more, celebrating Easter with easter bunnies and easter eggs with no reference to Christ's Resurrection, like Christmas with parties and gifts with no reference to the birth of a Savior.

[1] http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/why-do-catholics-practice-fasting-and-abstinence-during-lent
[2] http://cbmw.org/men/leadership/porn-and-future-marriage/

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