Saturday, February 21, 2015

An Unordinary Man

No one can return to the past to relive it but vignettes of it captured in one's memory are always fresh, as if the past were unfolding in the present.  For almost everybody everywhere the recollections of memories, however inaccurate, take place, and they form a web of communication (aptly named the worldwide web when every piece of communication electronically transmitted no longer carries with it the expectation of privacy).  This communication web is being spun continuously and so are the truths and the Truth [1].

Furthermore, the bases that form this web are based on science, not perfection [2].   For example, time is based on the rough observation of planetary movements using instruments with imprecise calibration having a certain margin of error, however small, and geographic location is based on gravity without regard to the shifting of the earth, however insignificant or infrequent, which defines it.

These conditions ought to explain why the Son of God never spoke of His own worldly past, His childhood, His teenage years or for that matter, anything He had Personally done previously.  For example, Jesus never said that He was born in Bethlehem.  For Him to say that, that means Bethlehem would never change its name or its location by the government or by an earthquake at some point.  Jesus also never said He did this miracle and that miracle before He performed another and another.  In other words, Jesus never told a story and therefore had no need to recollect the past because He knew the future and lived in the present.  He did tell parables, however.  His parables were not recollections of His Personal experiences.  He used them to instruct, and when He referred to Scriptures of the past, they were written by prophets before His time.  He did make a reference to His past (arguably His then-present) a limited number of times, confirming that He was the Son of Man [3], saying that He and the Father were one [4] and saying that He was the way to the Truth and God [5].

How difficult is it for an ordinary man not to talk about himself or his past except that he came from his father?  Very, to the point of impossible, because for that to happen, he must not use the words "I" or "me" reserving them only for the rarest and most momentous occasions.  Jesus was an unordinary man and He was able to do it.  Nobody before, and nobody since.

Believe in this unordinary man, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the fallen.  Pray with sincerity, gratitude, humility and love to His Mother and to Him.  It is easier to reach His Sacred Heart through the intercession of His Blessed Virgin Mother, and it is only through Her Son, the Son of God that God can be reached [6].

[1] Truth with a capital "T" is eternal.  It is God's Truth.  Non-capitalized "truths" in the plural are human truths and are as temporary as human lives are temporary.
[2] Science is not perfect even though it is for the most part predictable, until it surprises everyone.
[6] Ibid.

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