Monday, January 9, 2017

Pope: Unfit For The Papacy?

The more this blogger wants to step away from wasting anymore time on this pope, the more he finds the need to be part of the conversation because his is a voice that is distinct from what comes out of the mouth of this pope when opened, which in this blogger's warped imagination sees not a forked tongue, but many, many mouths that reminds him of the head of Medusa.  Below is Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's Medusa [1], [2]:

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Perhaps in the pope's mind, this blogger's mouth when opened would be the Lernaean Hydra.  Below is an image of the painting of Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra by Gustave Moreau [3]:

Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra
Gustave Moreau

Fantasies aside, this blogger believes that the pope ought to be declared unfit for the papacy, not only because of his intention is to change the Catholic church to conform to his own ideologies rather than to the Gospels but also to ask women to breastfeed their babies in church.  In his own words during a baptismal ceremony in the Sistine Chapel [4]:

"You mothers, go ahead and breastfeed, without fear. Just like the Virgin Mary nursed Jesus."

"It was not the first time the pope has spoken out in favor of public breastfeeding. During the same baptismal ceremony two years ago — in which he baptized 33 infants in the Sistine Chapel — he urged mothers to feel free to breast-feed their children if they cried or were hungry. The written text of his homily during that ceremony included the phrase 'give them milk,' but he changed it to use the Italian term 'allattateli,' which means 'breast-feed them.'" [5]

Even if breast-feeding may be good for an infant, depending on whether the mother is a drug addict or an alcoholic which may affect the quality of milk, it need not be done in public. For the pope to point to the likelihood that the Blessed Virgin Mary had breastfed Jesus, it does not then necessarily lead to his conclusion that the Blessed Virgin Mary had breastfed Jesus in public, letting creepy old men, not unlike the pope, to think of unholy things that could be tantamount to thoughts of adultery.

This blogger's advice to this pope: get your dirty old mind out of the gutter but if you wish to continue with the kind of life this blogger has long suspected that you had led so anonymously in Argentina, then you should quit the priesthood and be the man you so want to be and take whatever advantage you have over those underprivileged, powerless, abused and defenseless young women.  May God have mercy on you!

[5] Ibid.

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