Sunday, January 22, 2017

Christian Unity?

On January 22, 2017, Vatican Radio  published an article entitled Pope Francis calls for continued prayer for Christian Unity.  It is quoted below in its entirety (with opinionated annotations) [1]:

(Vatican Radio) Following the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis[, forgetting that unity starts at the very top,] noted that we are currently in the midst of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which has for its theme this year “Reconciliation – The Love of Christ Compels Us.”

He noted [impatiently] that the [seemingly endless] week will [finally and thankfully] conclude [not a moment too soon] in Rome next Wednesday with the ecumenical celebration of Vespers at the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls. “I invite you to persevere in prayer[, but only until the end of Vespers next Wednesday],” the Pope said, “so that the desire of Christ [(not mine, nor that of the de facto ruler of this world, Satan)], ‘That they all might be one,” [sic] may be accomplished[--those prayers are needed desperately, unless, of course, 'they' are all united under my personal brand of catholicity (with a small 'c'), defined as 'broad-mindedness or liberality, as of tastes, interests, or views' [2], that follows only carefully selected portions of the gospels that have been twisted to conform to my Maoist, left-wing, despotic secular agenda, and only then, would you no longer need to pray for Christian unity should that time arrive before the end of Vespers next Wednesday, for I would then be your god and you would then be without your Free Will and would only need to obey me completely and silently without question and doubt.  Should unity under me not arrive before the end of Vespers next Wednesday, then there is not use to pray for Christian unity because I have been destined to tear any preexisting unity that is remaining asunder.]”


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