Thursday, January 5, 2017

A New Year's Resolution

The few readers who have the patience to read this blog may wonder why the blogger has not talked about the pope lately.  This blogger hopes to stay true to the title of the blog which is about peace.  Criticizing the pope is tantamount to engaging in battle with an entity that will only cower when it is face to face with the Lord God, when the creature can no longer hide behind its façade of holiness but to reveal its genuine self wearing a garment that only Heaven's no-nonsense piercing blue light can reveal the filth and stains that cannot be washed clean.

A mind that is at war is not at peace.  Only when the mind is at peace can one have inner peace.  Bringing inner peace to readers is the objective of this blog, one that is seldom, if ever, met.

Since this blogger has failed time and time again to capture inner peace for even a moment, a more fitting title for the blog ought to be Place des Conflits, but this blogger does not want to change the existing Place de la Paix  title because he hopes that by stepping further and further away from the inevitable split of the Catholic church, he could move closer and closer toward a receptacle of peace rooted firmly in the gospels, faith and miracles.  Whether and how he is able to do that he does not know.  He hopes that this change will take place sometime in this new year and will be permanent, although it is not likely that it will last.  Before his hoped-for change begins, he wants to take a few more swipes at the pope.

Below are the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, quoted without paragraph numbers and references: [1]

Stop judging, that you may not be judged.

For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?

How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove that splinter from your eye,’ while the wooden beam is in your eye?

You hypocrite, remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.

Among the words the creature in the Vatican used in announcing his reform principles on December 22, 2016, are quoted in part as follows: [2]

10.       Catholicity

Among the Officials, in addition to priests and consecrated persons, the catholicity of the Church must be reflected in the hiring of personnel from throughout the world, of permanent deacons and lay faithful carefully selected on the basis of their unexceptionable spiritual and moral life and their professional competence.  It is fitting to provide for the hiring of greater numbers of the lay faithful, especially in those Dicasteries where they can be more competent than clerics or consecrated persons.  Also of great importance is an enhanced role for women and lay people in the life of the Church and their integration into roles of leadership in the Dicasteries, with particular attention to multiculturalism. [Emphasis added.]

If it is "fitting" to have "more competent" people other than "clerics or consecrated persons" to conduct certain affairs in the Vatican, then it is even more fitting that the Vatican be run by a person who is more competent than the creature who is now the pope, but he is apparently so blinded by the "wooden beam" in his eyes that he unable to see how incompetent he himself is in forging a unified and universal Catholic church.  Instead of bringing peace to the Vatican, "Pope Francis slammed Vatican officials for pushing back against reforms that the pontiff has been pushing forward since 2013, saying that those taking part in 'malicious resistance' have been inspired by the devil" in his annual Christmas speech, as reported by on December 22, 2016. [3]

For the pope to say in his own words that "'[t]here are also cases of malicious resistance, which spring up in misguided minds and come to the fore when the devil inspires ill intentions (often cloaked in sheep’s clothing)'" [4] shows that he is full of animosity without leaving room for charity. His tendency to accuse and convict like a despot can be shown by his criticism of the media with use of words that were coarse and unbefitting of a representative of Christ, but then he is a vulgar man with few, if any, signs of holiness. [5]

Vulgar and suffering under the delusion that he is infallible, the pope, His (dressed-up) Holiness, is certain that he himself has not been inspired by Satan, so much so that whoever who does not agree with his ideology, he has time and again indicated that they have been "misguided" by "ill intentions" of the devil or have used similar words to that effect.  Does he not know that Satan is most interested in desecrating offices with power?  Would common sense not conclude that Satan would rather concentrate on "inspiring," or more accurately, perverting, the one sitting on the throne of Peter than those serving under him and those observing on the periphery, even though Satan's desire to is defile all who are willing to accept its third temptation on behalf of Christ. [6]

If the pope insists upon carrying out his principles under paragraph 10 quoted above, this blogger recommends that he go to England and kneel before Queen Elizabeth II to apologize on behalf of the Catholic church for not permitting King Henry VIII the divorce he wanted [7] and to surrender to Her Royal Highness his papacy.  Not only would he then have a woman in an enhanced role in the Vatican, he would also have in place a much more capable leader than he could ever be to lead the Catholic church, and he would have in one unprecedented act united the Church of England with the Catholic church and allowed for a certain diversity of cultures, replacing one that is truly refined with one that is downright vulgar.  Should this unlikely event take place, then this blogger's new year's resolution not to talk about this pope anymore would be easy to keep.

[2]  Beyond the plain meaning of the words that were italicized for emphasis, they carry ominous and far-reaching consequences.  The young men with heart, intellect and talents who wish to serve God and the Catholic church may not be as willing to heed God's call to serve since they would probably conclude that they would never be able to match the lay people who do not have to dedicate their hearts first to the sheep that need a good shepherd, who have the freedom to come and go as they please without having to take any vows and adhere to the strictures of the Catholic church.  The future of Bergolio's church would likely become a religious business with relatively few "clerics," one that would need to hire lay people to perform the functions of the Catholic church including the celebration of mass and distribution of made-in-Vatican City State (or some other place) pre-transubstantiated bread and wine that would have to be ordered online from the Vatican and shipped from Rome.  When a church becomes a business with the employees that are non-clergypersons, it would no longer be the Word of the Lord that speaks; it would be the Word of the Lord defiled by Sin and Satan and made relative by the prevailing and ever-changing mores of the local community that rules.
[4] Ibid.
[5] "Using striking terminology, Francis said journalists and the media must avoid falling into 'coprophilia' – an abnormal interest in excrement. Those reading or watching such stories risked behaving like coprophagics, people who eat faeces, he added."  See

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