Monday, January 16, 2017

A Rare Public Confession By The Pope

Quoted in its entirety below is an Agence France-Press article dated January 15, 2017, published on Yahoo entitled Pope admits to 'darkness' in own faith [1]:

Guidonia (Italy) (AFP) - Pope Francis admitted on Sunday to sometimes having "darkness" cloud his own faith, while warning against "Christian parrots" who pay lip service to the church without acting on its values.

"At certain times, I have also encountered moments of darkness in my faith and that faith decreased a lot, but with a little bit of time we rediscover it," the Pointiff told parishioners after saying mass in a village near Rome.

"Some days we can't see faith, everything is in darkness.

"Yesterday, for example, I christened 13 children in areas devastated by earthquakes and there was a father who had lost his wife, and we ask ourselves if this man can have faith.

"We understand that there is darkness, we must respect this darkness of the soul. We don't study to get faith, we receive it like a gift."

Francis also urged believers to spend more time talking to their family.

"If I say I'm Catholic and every Sunday I go to mass but then I don't talk to my parents, I don't help my grandparents, the poor, I don't visit the sick, then there's no point," said Francis.

"In that way, we're nothing but a Christian parrot: words, words, words." [2]

[2] He cannot be lecturing this blogger, right?  After all, just the other day on January 14, he ended his post entitled "The Young Pope" on HBO  with these words: "The heart of Jesus continues to bleed for His beloved servant, Bergolio, whose heart seems to be lacking in faith and in contrition."  The answer has to be no, Bergolio was not castigating this blogger because this blogger does talk to his parents and prays for them (his grandparents are no longer with him), and he does not attend Mass every Sunday (he did yesterday, however), but then he does not help the poor or visit the sick, but for some reason, as he was leaving to go home he felt compelled to give a man who was begging in front of the church some money, a man who thanked him with the smell of alcohol on his breath.  There is no way this blogger's words had inspired Bergolio's public confession. This blogger is an absolute nobody to Bergolio, and to even for a moment suppose that somehow he knows about this blog is pure fantasy.

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