Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Opus Dei Prelate

Bergolio has confirmed Opus Dei's new prelate Fernando Ocáriz.  "The new prelate, who is in charge of the 92 thousand faithful in Opus Dei, says that his program is to follow the program of Pope Francis: the mobilization of all Catholics to bring the Christian message, spreading joy to every type of person." [1]

While every person would like to have the joy of God that comes with the Christian message of Christ, not everyone gets it, not the joy, not the true message of Christ, and in this blogger's opinion, not even Bergolio himself or his papacy, certainly not every day, every hour.  The 72-year old Ocáriz ought to have lived long enough to know that he cannot put an end to the divisions within the Catholic Church, and quite possibly not even within Opus Dei itself, assuming that Opus Dei is not as single-minded in carrying out the works of God as it wishes the world to perceive.  How Ocáriz plans to bring "the Christian message" that is no longer uniform under Bergolio to "every person," including Cardinal Burke and others [2], Matthew Festing, Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, [3] and the Society of Pius X [4] is beyond this blogger.  To accomplish his objective which is to "to spread joy to every type of person" by following "the program of  Pope Francis," including the very liberal and the very conservative, would be challenging, if not impossible.

[1] http://www.romereports.com/2017/01/24/first-interview-with-the-prelate-of-opus-dei-i-am-very-grateful-to-the-pope
[2] http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/card-burke-pope-francis-cannot-change-what-pope-jpii-wrote-absolutely-no
[3] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/17/head-embattled-knights-ofmalta-defends-actions-says-extremely/
[4] http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2016/06/29/sspx-criticise-pope-for-causing-painful-confusion-among-faithful/

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