Saturday, January 21, 2017

Opus Dei - Selection Of A New Leader

The entry entitled The All-seeing Eye Of Providence  posted on January 15, 2017, ended with this speculation under footnote [5]:

Who knows, maybe Opus Dei, more transparent but perhaps less cohesive than the Knights Templar, could possibly be the next organization to part ways with this pope, but then again, perhaps Opus Dei itself could split between those who support this pope and those who do not.  Time will tell.

That time is near.  On January 20, 2017, the Crux  posted an article entitled What you need to know as Opus Dei chooses a new leader, quoted in part (with annotations) [1]:

After the December death of Bishop Javier Echevarría, the Catholic organization Opus Dei today [(January 20, 2017)] begins the process of choosing a new leader, who for the first time will be a someone who wasn’t a right-hand man of their founder, Spanish St. Josemaría Escrivá.

During the almost 90 years of its existence, Opus Dei has been a powerful actor in the Catholic Church, and also controversial. Lauded for its commitment to the empowerment of laity, it was also looked upon with suspicion by critics who accused the group of a cult-like internal culture.

It’s also often considered to have a conservative political and theological agenda, which plays well among some circles and not so much in others.  

...ballots will be opened by the all-male electoral congress on Monday, Jan. 23....

[It must have been to Bergolio's unspeakable delight to know that] [o]nce the new prelate has been chosen, Francis has to approve the appointment, though canonically he could refuse to do so. If tradition holds true to form, [as if tradition is sacrosanct under this papacy,] within months after the election the pope will make him a bishop.

Josefina Maradiaga, from the Opus Dei press office in Argentina, told Crux  that nationality and personal style of the new prelate “don’t matter.”  [She, however, remained silent on whether ideology did.]


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