Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Grand Master Matthew Festing Of The Order Of Malta Has Resigned

Quoted in part from the guardian  in an article entitled Vatican condom row: pope prevails as Knights of Malta chief resigns  published on January 24, 2017 [1]:

The head of Catholic order the Knights of Malta has resigned over a bitter dispute with the Vatican about free condoms that become a test of the authority of liberalising Pope Francis.

The Rome-based chivalric and charity institution said Grand Master Matthew Festing, 67, resigned after Pope Francis asked him to step down at a meeting on Tuesday. Grand masters of the institution, which was founded in the 11th century, usually keep their positions for life.

“The pope asked him to resign and he agreed,” the spokesperson said, adding that the next step was a formality in which the group’s Sovereign Council would have to sign off on the highly unusual resignation.

The news of Grand Master Matthew Festing's resignation surprises this blogger.  Is there no solidarity within the Order of Malta?  Is there some benefit, perhaps a donation of a few "pieces of silver" every so often that the Order receives from the Vatican that allows for its on-going existence and therefore it would be "suicidal" for the entity to stand up to Bergolio's interference with its internal matters?

Will every person who is Catholic, who is under the financial thumb of Bergolio's papacy going to collapse under the weight of Bergolio's dictates, however anti-Catholic and however hypocritical they may be?  When will those clerics under the influence of Satanic secularism stop betraying Christ because they do not want to relinquish the comforts of their pampered existence?

When will a real San Francesco d'Assisi come to rebuild this crumbling Church, not with the kind of resources that the hypocrite Bergolio wants the world's governments to give to the poor, as if that would eradicate poverty [2], even as the Vatican still houses priceless artworks in its museum and still owns some of the most expensive and sought-after real estate worldwide, but with pure and holy poverty, i.e., Christ Himself, that San Francesco d'Assisi embraced fully with love?

Francis, the pope, is the antithesis of Francis, the saint.  They are as far apart from one another as Hell is from Heaven. This blogger has yet to see Bergolio express a true, selfless, i.e., un-self serving, moment of faith in and undiluted love for Christ, but this blogger does not live with the creature to know that to be the absolute truth, but he thinks what his gut tells him is not that far from it.  Based on what Bergolio has said and done symbolically (for show) has all been said and done, in this blogger's opinion, from a secular perspective based on self sufficiency, without an iota of humility or heart-felt need for the Lord's assistance, despite making references in vain to the gospels, Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and God.

With the resignation of Matthew Festing from his position at the Order of Malta as Grand Master, Bergolio had won politically.  At that moment, he probably felt a surge of power in his position as pope, not as the humble servant of Christ Jesus, Who despite knowing Who He was, where He came from and the extent of all His powers, He chose not to save and glorify Himself but to love all to the very end, to His very last breath on the cross, Who would not  have given Bergolio a defintive sense of victory and power over Matthew Festing had Bergolio acted with forbearance, forgiveness and love, but instead a certain peace, a permeating inner peace that could best be described as an invisible matter or energy, a Holy presence, one that escapes earthly analogy, one that expands and fills every crevice of desire and makes the entire being whole.  This feeling of peace and complete fulfillment can only from the Holy Spirit sent by the Father or the Son, a feeling that perhaps Bergolio has yet to experience.

This blogger's advice to Bergolio: before you speak or act, ask yourself whether Satan or Christ Jesus is by your side guiding you.  If you speak or act out of pride, vengeance, bitterness or hate, forgetting the importance of humility, charity and love, i.e., agape, you can be absolutely certain that Satan is ruling over you, encouraging you, giving you more power than the power you desire and need; so beware, you could end up where Satan wants you and then you would be another nothing to Satan (an absolute nothing that you are so afraid to be in this world) next to the millions of Satan-could-care-less-souls that Satan had won over while still in their flesh (Satan only cares when you are being seduced by what you desire; after Satan has won you over, you become a worthless nothing for eternity).  Choose the path to Heaven, Bergolio; it is always the one more difficult.

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/25/vatican-condom-row-pope-prevails-as-knights-of-malta-chief-resigns
[2] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+26%3A6-13&version=NIV

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