Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Christian World's "A" Word

The Catholic media has been obsessed with abortion and the sale of aborted fetal parts.  There is no doubt in the blogger's opinion that abortion is uncivilized and unholy, but that talking about it incessantly does not solve the problem. Abortions will continue to take place and fetal part will continue to be sold and bought, much like illicit drugs will continue to be manufactured and will be consumed by spiritually empty people, those who are well-to-do and those with nothing to do.

The purpose of this entry, however, is not to talk about the obvious "A" word but two other "A" words that Catholics, from the pope down, are afraid to mention--"Abstinence" and "Abstention".  If every Catholic will practice abstinence and abstain from sex rather than engaging in morally and fiscally irresponsible procreation, then the more or less 1.254 billion people [1] of the 7 billion [2] in the world would not need to speak of abortion (or poverty for that matter) and the sale of fetal parts even though they may continue to complain about the remainder who continue abort their babies and sell cadaver parts.

Why does this current political pope not speak of sexual abstention to the world?  Metaphorically speaking, why blame the disease and not treat the symptom?  Had the Catholic church failed in stopping believers from having uncontrollable recreation sex?  Is it worried that speaking of sexual abstinence will further alienate Catholics and drive away the shrinking remainder of church-goers but more importantly their source of funds? [3]

[1], accessed August 23, 2015.
[2], accessed August 23, 2015.
[3] This blogger does not know how to classify this deliberate omission by the Catholic church, turning a blind eye toward the virtue of sexual abstinence.  Is it hypocrisy or is it fraud, or both?  Where in Dante's Inferno will those committing this compound sin go?

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