Tuesday, August 18, 2015

ISIL - The Offspring Of Twin Failures

The saying that failure is the mother of success applies here in a twisted sort of way in that the success did not inure to those who failed but instead to those who were expected to fail, but did not, and whose very existence today by the cruelty of their actions has become a bane to those who did.

Those who were expected to fail but did not were the Baathists, supporters of the deposed Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, who was charged with crimes and executed. [1]  A number of Baathists, potentially as many as 400,000, might have become radicalized and a part of ISIL, [2] a force that is very real, very cruel and truly feared.

The mighty "decider" who was not supposed to fail, who unleashed this barbarous force, failed by his decisions to invade Iraq to depose and execute Saddam Hussein [3] despite declaring victory in his war against Iraq on May 1, 2003. [4].  His blind foresight continues to haunt the world in the name of ISIL, and keeps alive the vision of Saddam Hussein who uttered these premonitory words: "'the mother of all battles is underway'" [5].

The on-going bloody mess and the suffering of the displaced [6] caused by the arrogance of an ignorant politician is only part of a pair of failures; the other part belonged to the pope who became a dubious saint who to his credit did ask the decider not to invade Iraq [7] but who had not backed up his words with action.  How very impressed would the Muslim world be had that pope traveled to Baghdad to stand shoulder to shoulder with his Muslim brothers to delay, if not stop a crazy idiot (Emperor Nero reincarnate) from carrying out his shock and awe bombing of Baghdad [8].  Had that taken place, Baghdad would still likely be bombed but ISIL would probably not be decapitating Christians, especially if the pope had died a martyr trying to prevent the reign of evil from succeeding by turning the the axis of evil [9] back at the perpetrators.

Peering into the future, the Vatican is still going to be all talk and no action, ISIL is not likely going to disappear anytime soon, nor is the chapter closed on the story of the modern day Emperor Nero whose family is large and its bloodline long.  Only God knows what will become of the evil workers on opposite sides of the battle lines while raging war on the same side against the Prince of Peace.  Perhaps this truth is certain: interior peace for these people will be difficult to attain, not to be equated with absolute nothingness, i.e. total darkness without the presence of Christ in the heart and mind.

[1] http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/persian-gulf-wars.html
[2] https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/the-hidden-hand-behind-the-islamic-state-militants-saddam-husseins/2015/04/04/aa97676c-cc32-11e4-8730-4f473416e759_story.html
[3] http://www.globalresearch.ca/saddam-hussein-s-last-words-to-the-hell-that-is-iraq/4620
[4] http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/persian-gulf-wars.html
[5] http://www.thisdayinquotes.com/2010/01/saddam-hussein-and-mother-of-all.html
[6] http://ec.europa.eu/echo/files/aid/countries/factsheets/turkey_syrian_crisis_en.pdf
[7] http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/world-news/detail/articolo/guerra-del-golfo-gulf-war-bush-giovanni-paolo-ii-john-paul-i-juan-pablo-ii-8130/
[8] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/9933587/The-myth-of-shock-and-awe-why-the-Iraqi-invasion-was-a-disaster.html
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_of_evil

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