Friday, August 7, 2015

Love -- Man's Innate Desire And Charateristic

Man needs to be loved and man's nature is to love.  These two unalterable truths are based on the fact that man was created in the image of God, the one and only God Who loves so perfectly that man was given the Free Will to reciprocate or refuse this perfect love, but reality does not revolve around these truths, since man can exist without love and thrive on being hateful.  Man can unite, rule and make a living based on hate, choosing words, actions and associations that are tinged with hate.

How did hate originate?  The analysis begins with Adam and Eve.  It is reasonable to conclude that Adam and Eve never hated their Creator.  One does not have to hate to desire the same status as another.  Adam and Eve merely wanted to be like God. [1]  It was Eve's son Cain who out of jealousy which festered into anger, then hate, that caused him to kill his brother Abel. [2]  It would be pure speculation as to why Cain was unlike Abel who was righteous and loved God.  This blog is replete with all kinds of speculation.  This entry is no different.

Cain was unlike able because the seed of Cain did not belong to Adam.  Adam, being God's creation, was perfect.  Being perfect means that he had the Free Will to choose good over evil.  When he and Eve took a bite of the apple in the Garden of Eden, they chose evil over good for they were unable to resist the Serpent's temptations.  To know the strength of one's goodness is to test it.  Being able to pass difficult tests means one's interior goodness is strong. [3]  The fact that Adam and Eve were unable to resist Satan's temptations meant that they were weak but not intrinsically evil, but the offspring from the sexual union between Eve and the Serpent [4] was intrinsically evil: he was Cain, the first born son of Eve.  In contrast, Abel, Eve's second son, who was from the seed of Adam, was not, and neither was Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, from whose lineage Jesus came. [5]

There seems to be a contradiction in the implication that good still exists in the seeds of evil so much so that man's innate desire is still to be loved and man's disposition is still to love.  This is actually not a contradiction, but God's Truth.

God's Truth is based on love which is eternal, which cannot be defeated or extinguished by hate.  Accordingly, no matter how evil or hateful man is, man can reform, repent, reconcile his sins to God and return to his original goodness, so that his soul can be redeemed from an eternity of suffering in Hell.

[3] Jesus, the Son of God, was the only Person in the flesh Who was able to resist Satan's temptations while no man can.  Jesus was at His weakest when Satan tempted Him.  See  In the movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, the fourth temptation came when Jesus was dying on the cross.
[4] An entry on the speculation of a sexual union between Eve and the Serpent had taken place was posted on March 20, 2015, under the title The Original Eve at

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