Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pure Evil: Satan Or The Serpent

This blogger is often confused by the relationship between the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and Satan, not knowing if they are one and the same or that they are separate entities under the umbrella of evil.  It is interesting to note, however, that the Serpent's approach is very different from Satan's. If Satan's method to destroy man is to direct man's attention away from God with a plethora of temptations that distract him from seeking the Truth while leaving it intact, the Serpent's is to focus man's entire attention on God, to make man want to be God, tricking him into believing that he can be powerful like God, that he can create and rule like God, is God and that he can replace God, by distorting the Truth and deliberately omitting to tell him that to be God, he must love unconditionally like God which the Serpent knows that man is incapable of doing.

A reasonable guess would be that they are different entities. The Serpent was never an angel.  It misrepresented the Truth. This fact alone puts the Serpent under the category of pure evil.  Why it was so evil only God knows.  Perhaps it was put there to test Eve and Adam, to see if they would choose to love and obey God and if they would each take care of her and his respective body, as opposed to desecrating the gift of flesh to experience and consummate multiple coital and sodomitic unions in the case of Eve and multiple sodomitic unions in the case of Adam with a transformed evil entity capable of irresistible seduction and obscene sexual acts of depravity with both female and male.  As previously concluded, the sexual union between the Serpent and Eve produced a son by the name of Cain. [1]

Many if not all the people in the world today are descendants of Cain who was the first bearer of Original Sin and as such, everyone has the potential to be evil.  For this reason, Lucifer thought it was unfair that God would love sinners more than angels, even the the ugliest and most sinful of sinners would be loved more than the most beautiful of sinless angels who was Lucifer himself.  Although Lucifer rebelled against God and God sent him to Hell, Lucifer as Satan had not deceived man.  Satan merely presented temptations, giving man the choice to embrace them or not, to ruin his own soul or not, to spend an eternity in Hell or not.  From this perspective, Satan is certainly evil, but not pure evil since it still has respect for Free Will given to man by God, and perhaps even a scintilla of love for its Creator Who is God. [2]

[1] See Love--Man's Innate Desire and Characteristic at
[2] Maybe someone could start a group that would be dedicated to restore Lucifer to his original glory as God's most beautiful angel in Heaven by asking all sinners to avoid Satan's temptations, to prove to Satan that sinners indeed deserve God's love, so that Satan would humble and prostrate itself before God and beg for mercy and forgiveness.  This is truly a fantasy since Satan's temptations are so enticing that man's unabatable desire to fall into them kills any curiosity he may have to see what absolute beauty looks like in the eyes of God.

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