Saturday, August 8, 2015

Satan's Jealousy And Man's Envy

This blog has often stated that Lucifer, once God's most beautiful angel, was so consumed by jealousy because of God's unconditional love for man, a weak and sinful creature inferior to angels, that he rebelled against God Who sent Michael the Archangel to force him out of Heaven and into Hell where he continues his embittered existence as Satan. This entry therefore is a refrain of sorts.

In Hell, Satan had devised a plan to destroy man by making man destroy himself, not only by having man destabilize the environment that nurtures him and by fomenting fear and hate in him that lead to killings, but also by drawing his attention away from God with temptations that are sexual, religious and secular with varying degrees of perversion, decadence and malevolence.

If Adam and Eve had resisted the temptations of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, obeyed God and not touched the Forbidden Fruit, man would probably have the respect of Lucifer who would still be the most beautiful angel in Heaven but that was not what happened.  Despite man's continual failings, God's love for man remained unconditional, causing Lucifer to become jealous and revolt.  Thus,  if jealousness was the cause of Lucifer's downfall, then envy was the reason for man's.

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