Friday, August 28, 2015

Miracle Theorized

This entry is based on what I believe to be true, and does not supplant the knowledge and experiences of others that are different.

1. What is a miracle?
A miracle is an act of God that man cannot control, perform or duplicate.

2.  Does it happen?
Definitely, without a doubt.

3.  How does a miracle happen?
It happens in one of three ways: as a gift, without one's knowledge or participation, as an answer, to one's prayers for oneself and for others; and in a partnership with God, after being called to do something, the kind of calling that draws one's entire being (the heart, the flesh and the mind, in that order) into action, the kind of action that defies logical analysis and full understanding, as if it is being accomplished in a dream.

4.  Does one know when it is happening?
Some of them, yes, even though one may not realize their miraculous nature at the time (acknowledging a miracle is not man's second nature).  Others take time and are not obvious, requiring intervention at times and therefore they are often not thought of as miracles.

5.  What can a miracle do?
Everything.  Above all, it proves God's existence.

6.  What will a miracle not do?
It will not take away man's Free Will.  Therefore, no matter how many miracles one has been given, one can still choose to sin.

7.  Do sinners experience miracles?
Yes, but only if they have abiding faith, and enduring love for God.

8.  Does one have to be Catholic or Christian to experience miracles?
No, so long as one's love for others are genuine and pure.

9.  Why do miracles happen to those who continue to sin?
Because of God's unlimited capacity to love.  The fact that one commits sin does not mean that one is incapable of love.  Love is innate to all.

10. How can one, and one's loved ones, experience a miracle?
Ask (with deep continuous  faith in God, and deep genuine  love) and one, and one's loved ones, shall receive.

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