Sunday, August 23, 2015

Anonymous - God's Other Name

For Catholics, God is a well-known Trinitarian God comprising of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. [1] The same God is also cloaked in anonymity, to look after those who do not necessarily respect Christianity due to all the evil deeds that a number of self-professed Christians over the course of history had done in God's name (one of the most heinous acts in recent memory was the invasion of Iraq [2], the consequences of which are still being unraveled under ISIL [3]) and under the umbrella of the Vatican (one of the costliest misdeeds in terms of legal settlement--at least US$2.2 billion in the United States alone--has been child sex abuse by Catholic priests [4]).

If one were to observe objectively how certain self-professed Christians had acted, within and without the Vatican, one could readily conclude that what was done was not what Christ would have done, and therefore they would not be considered as Christians.  In fact, these self-professed Christians had hijacked Christianity to serve their own selfish interests, such as those rooted in greed, envy, power and/or vengeance, by committing crimes against humanity, in the same way and for similar reasons that certain self-professed Muslims (ISIL) had hijacked Islam to commit their crimes against humanity. [5]

However, when one travels to a country where the populace is predominantly Muslim, aside from a number of countries [6], one does not often see the kind of unrest that one sees in a number of cities where the economy is based on drug trade and gang violence is the norm.  Moreover, when one observes the average Muslim, he or she is no different than any other average non-Muslim man or woman anywhere in the world.

In short, everybody is the same.  For those who are ignorant and loud, announcing lines of division where there are none, they should step out from their provincial existence into the world for once, and travel around, embrace humanity, ride the subways, take public transportation, shop at the local grocery stores, so that they can see that people in Paris, France, are no different from those in Hong Kong, SAR, China, or Istanbul, Turkey, Bangkok, Thailand, Moscow, Russia or Santiago, Chile, waiting for a subway train, riding a local bus, standing in line to checkout at a supermarket. Everyone has a job to do, a family to go home to, chores to complete, places to go and friends to see.  In other words, everyone has a life, as do those living in Tehran, Iran, and Pyongyang, North Korea.

And it is the everyday people with individual crosses to bear and challenges to overcome everywhere in the world that God is around to protect and to love, including those who are not aware of God's presence, for this loving God can be anonymous, and will remain as such for those who have not yet known or not yet been blessed to know the Trinitarian God as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

No matter what one thinks, where there is purity of love and where there is interior peace, God is present!

[2] A United States president "told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq ..." See
[3] and   It is notable that the latter article cited here which listed airstrikes at a number of locations apparently resulted in no death or injury since there no mention of any death or injury; it also ought to be noted that any bloodshed on either side of the battle lines is the blood of the children of God.  In God's eyes, there is neither a distinction between one sinner from another, nor is there a distinction in the kind of love given to one sinner or another.  See also, relating to the August 22, 2015, bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, and, relating to the continuing chaos in Libya four years after Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown.
[4] and
[5] There are those who believe that Islam is not a religion of peace.  See  How can anyone make such a judgmental and conclusory statement is beyond reason.  If Islam is so violent, where is the violence?  "As of 2010, over 1.6 billion or about 23.4% of the world population are Muslims."  See  And whoever believes that Muslims are violent must ask how many major wars had Muslims started, how many bombs had Muslims dropped on this planet ever since bombs have been used as weapons of mass destruction and how many people had Muslims killed over the course of history as compared to the ever-so-peaceful non-Muslims?
[6] The countries going through upheaval currently are Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan which had relatively stable, albeit imperfect status quo not that long ago had been torn asunder by certain arrogant, unwise, unthinking but self-righteous western leaders who now have no clue how to restore even the largely unsatisfactory but delicate balance that the deposed leaders had maintained.

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