Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Third Gift Of God

Previous entries in this blog had identified the first two gifts of God, namely, the gift of flesh [1] followed by the gift of Free Will.  The third is the gift of creativity [2].

[1] The gift of flesh is only possible when Free Will is exercised in accordance with the "thou shall not kill (abort)" commandment since abortion kills the chance for a spirit to experience incarnation outside of a mother's womb.
[2] God is the Supreme Creator.  Man is created in the image of God.  Therefore man is also able to create.  For those who think that they cannot create but wish to, they should simply flip on the creative switch inside and turn up the intensity, but must guard with vigilance against the gift from being hijacked by evil.  Sadly, good intentions are often thwarted.  Gun powder is a good example: the concoction that was originally created for fireworks as a celebration had been weaponized to kill.  See the history of gunpowder at  Humans are another: God intends for all people to be good but Satan has been able to tempt them successfully with apples of sin.

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