Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day Thoughts - 2014

Throughout this blog, a presumption has been made that the birth of Christ falls on December 25 when the calender changed from B.C. (before Christ) to A.D. (Anno Domine) [1].  Whether Jesus was actually born on December 25 at midnight between B.C. and A.D. is uncertain, but interest generated by the Star of Bethlehem among astronomers is evident [2].

This entry is not about science but rather a chronology of miracles.  Readers are urged to add to or subtract from the miracle count surrounding the birth of Jesus starting with The Immaculate Conception:

1.  The Immaculate Conception. [3], [4], [5]
2.  The Annunciation. [6]
3.  An angel appeared to Joseph. [7], [8]
4.  Angels appeared to the shepherds. [9]
5.  The Magi and the Star of Bethlehem. [10]
6.  An angel appeared to Joseph a second time. [11]

Miracles are continuing to take place, even in the midst of great suffering.  They are as invisible as the gifts of life and Free Will for those who choose not to acknowledge them.

Have a Blessed Christmas!


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