Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The New Year Will Soon Be Here

Deep in the hearts of all people in the world is a common hope for peace in the new year but in the minds corrupted by Sin, peace is impossible until the Son of God comes again in glory.  Until that day arrives, time continues to advance on earth within the timelessness of an expansive universe and the Heaven above, and it is this annual advancement of time on this tiny planet earth that man of God's creation celebrates in accordance to an orderly rhythm, at different times, depending on where one is at, as listed here:

The hope for peace is a definitive sign that God is still pervasive in a secular world.  God has never left, rather it is God's children who have left God to pursue Satanic gifts of power and control, of self-righteousness and arrogance, of ruthlessness and deceit that are the stepping stones to Hell.

It is not enough for those to hope quietly that peace can be achieved without acting in accordance with the teachings of the Prince of Peace Who is Christ Who called on all to love God and to love one's neighbor.

To act in accordance with the Truth is to lead fearlessly and faithfully in order to counteract the fear-mongers, the anxiety-builders and the faithless secularists.  Not everyone will want to face the Truth and many envious opportunists will continue with their selfish, prideful and self-centered behaviors and continue to exist in denial, believing that they are entitled, that everyone else owes them, that their time on earth belongs to them and not God.  For them, the new year will be a continuation of the last unenlightened one.  These naysayers to God will have to be left behind for there are many who are willing to listen, learn and begin their difficult journeys away from darkness.  To the willing the angels incarnate will need to give their time and attention.

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