Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World's Protests

Arab Spring began in January, 2011 [1] in North Africa and the Mideast, affecting Egypt, Syria, Libya, followed by protests in Kiev, Ukraine in November, 2013 [2], and in Hong Kong in September, 2014 [3].  Regardless of how such protests and conflicts arose, they have come to the United States in cities like Ferguson, New York, Chicago and Washington D.C. beginning circa November, 2014, after two grand jury verdicts, in Ferguson [4] and in New York [5], [6], both favoring the police.

Now that some of the most influential parts of the world have had a taste of the poison of protests and conflicts, disrupting the peace and livelihoods of people, perhaps the protestors will go away, but I am not optimistic because the fortitudinously weak but politically powerful game-changers of different stripes over the years have played the game into the hands of Satan and became Its minions, so that this is no longer a world of unity but of division, of honesty but of deceit, of light but of darkness.  In the world of Satan, there is no God but evil disguised as secularism, lawlessness [7] as victimhood, self-serving pride and greed [8] as righteousness.

[7] Lawlessness is never an excuse for perceived injustice, nor is it a remedy for true injustice.  Perceived injustice requires self-examination, corrective behavior and curative action whereas true injustice demands forgiveness.
[8] Self-serving pride and greed shocks the conscience of the good and awes those blind to the Truth.

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