Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Conversion Of Souls

Those who have the gift of faith must reach out and convert the non-believers, one soul at a time, as impossible as the task is, is not one that can be set aside, hoping that someone else will do it because no one else will, or that somehow non-believers would themselves awaken to the Truth from their hypnotic state of denial because that will not happen, not without Divine intervention, and Divine intervention can only happen when one's heart is open to God freely, willingly and lovingly, but non-believers have exercised their Free Will to close themselves off to God, and it is up to God's messengers of the world, the angels incarnate, to give sight to the spiritually blind and hearing to the spiritually deaf.

It is important, although not enough to just "preach to the choir," to those who already attend Mass and listen to the sermons regularly, to keep them vigilant and safe from the influence of Satan.

It is also important, that the religious who exist within an organizational structure, to realize the limits of the structure which necessarily demands administrative time, time that could otherwise be spent in prayer and in the conversion of souls.

The more complex the structure, the more people would be necessary to uphold it, and therefore the more political the entity, causing the focus to shift away from the spiritual to the carnal aspects of existence dominated by the sins of egoism and pride which diminish the importance of God and neutralizes the meaning of Whose Son Who came to the world in humility to sacrifice Himself for the salvation of souls, and perverting the intended purity of such a structure by stripping away its holiness, leaving it to become yet another vapid, self-serving and self-perpetuating secular institution with God in the periphery, on the lips but not in the heart, and that is the Vatican today.

A new group of people, the angels incarnate of the world, will need to arise from obscurity, and rise to the Light from which they came, to illuminate the darkness and speak the Truth to the people of the world.

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