Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Darkening Skies

My last entry ended with this question: "Christmas will be here in two days.  What do people have on their minds?"

Imagine if people of the world are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ 2,014 years ago in earnest, without guise, by loving God and loving their neighbors, then nothing on their minds would cause fear or anxiety, or lead to an obsession with doing Satan's work that destroys the family, the Church and one another [1], and people can exist in peace.

The way things are going, the world is going to be enveloped by total darkness and those who continue to do the work of Satan will eventually never again see the light.  Even as the skies are beginning to be blackened, a new light will be forming in the midst of blackness.  This bright light will shine forth from the faces and smiles of all the people, regardless of religion or race, who are willing to return to Christ and His simple ways that lead to the Truth.

Simplicity is straightforward but difficult and painful  to achieve.  Its success will require discipline, determination and patience, honest and apolitical leadership, purity of heart and love of God.  A single leader, or many leaders in various nations, cannot accomplish this, but many, many small groups of twos and threes that will roam, and spread, throughout the world can.  Together, they will pierce holes through the pitch black forces of Evil with nothing more than basic goodness.

Basic goodness requires the people in these small groups to first reform their own bodies and transform them into individual temples of God.  That means their bodies shall not be desecrated by the abuse of food [2], alcohol and drugs (overeating, over drinking and over medicating) and shall be preserved through a regiment of exercises and proper rest. Simultaneously, they shall reform their minds and transform them into unique reservoirs of the Truth through daily prayers with love (prayers must always be prayed with undiluted love).  Then they shall become themselves examples of God's gift, having realized the potential and the splendor of life at its very core.  And they shall take the vow of celibacy and adhere to it.

This shall be the signature image of each and every small group of people who will spread not only the word of God but will live the life of Christ and His disciples.  Together, they will be a diverse nation of priests, replacing the Jews who had failed to deliver to the world a kingdom of priests [3]. These groups of Gentiles and converted Jews will succeed.  They cannot, and must not fail.  For them to fail is for Satan to win.  Satan will not win again.  These Gentiles and converted Jews will not betray the Son of God because they love God. Because they love God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the angels of Heaven will be with them and guide them along the way.

[1] There is much evidence to show the disintegration of the family, the dismantling of the Catholic Church, growing unrest in many nations and the beginnings of another world war.  The daily events, political, military and economic, that are unfolding tell the story and it would be too voluminous to cite them all here.
[2] Food shall not be contaminated by any genetic modification and shall be fertilized naturally.
[3] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2019:6

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