Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Heaven's Government

If Heaven has the equivalent of a government, it is not a democracy--it is a dictatorship, a benevolent dictatorship.  Thus, the best leader the world can have is a benevolent dictator, but the world will never have a benevolent dictator because the majority of people are hungry for power and money, and they will do virtually anything to achieve what they want, however unethical, immoral, corrupt or ruthless, and will eliminate such a leader, should one exists.  One did.  His name was Jesus.

Today, many lawmakers and law enforcers think that they are right, not because they are doing the right things in Jesus' name but because they are self-righteous and doing the wrong things unknowingly in Satan's name.  There is no direct proof to substantiate the assertion.  Even if there is, whoever tries to assemble a dossier to expose the truth will be silenced, one way or another, by Satan's minions.  Even if the truth is known, people will continue to lie their way around and deny it.  That happens daily when anyone with any power opens his or her mouth.

To have Heaven on earth, the worldly truths have to coincide with the Eternal Truth which comes from God.  The Eternal Truth does not waiver and is eternal.  It is patient and waits for acceptance.  No government is capable to rule in accordance with the Truth because every government has been infiltrated by the forces of evil.  The most powerful forces of evil are forces that deceive people into believing that they are the forces of good.  This is the beginning of the making of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will make people believe he can turn earth into heaven when it is Hell that he wants the earth to become.  The government of Hell is a failed democracy, everyone is constantly bickering, with everyone blaming everyone else for his self-righteous, self-serving, deceivingly altruistic agenda gone wrong while suffering in eternity.  In short, no soul is ever at peace.  Every soul is bitter, always trying to find a way out of and denying the Truth, even in Hell.  In Hell, these Truth-denying souls belong.

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