Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Invisible Hell

Advent was mentioned in the 12/11/14 post:  "[T]his is the season of Advent, a season that looks toward the Second  Coming of Christ, a season of penance to prepare for the Second Coming."  Before Christ comes again, the world will first meet the Antichrist [1], [2].

Antichrist was mentioned in the last post: "The most powerful forces of evil are forces that deceive people into believing that they are the forces of good.  This is the beginning of the making of the Antichrist."  These deceiving forces are gaining in power in recent decades [3].

While penance is necessary to prepare for the Second Coming, being armed is essential for confrontations with the Enemy.  In other words, doing penance is a defense against the possibility of eternal Hell on Judgment Day whereas battling forces of deceit is an offense that drives away dark forces and prevents oneself from being presently  drawn into the vortex of deceit that spins the Truth endlessly toward the lightless pit of Hell.

One can do penance by confessing to a priest.  To combat evil forces, one must pray to God for help because the sinful man himself cannot defeat Satan.  Those who think that they are self-sufficient without the need for God are already defeated.  Hypocrites who pay lip-service to God are no different from the betrayers and crucifiers of Christ and are well on their way to Hell.  The self-righteous ones, religious and secular, who live in denial of the world's truths and God's Truth and thus cannot see their own faults are free-falling toward the invisible Hell on earth ruled by the Antichrist. [4]

[3] There is no need to identify them.  Either one already knows them and if one does not, that means Satan's influence had already taken hold.  Such a person will continue to remain deceived unless God intervenes.
[4] The Antichrist, I imagine, is at the beginning not a single individual, but a growing tsunami of evil forces, represented by evil-infected powerful people in the world, simultaneously and in succession, that are working to transform the God-given positive effusive energy that into a negative fear-driven pull of equal intensity.  After sucking all the transformable energy of God into an invisible black hole from which it cannot escape, a trio of forces will emerge from it--The Unholy Trio--to mirror The Holy Trinity.  This Unholy Trio will be the only superstars of the world.  They will promise the people "heaven on earth."  One of them who articulates will draw the attention of both male and female equally regardless of race not because It is Christ, but because It is the Antichrist.  This creature will never say that It is Christ (It enjoys being the all-powerful Antichrist and is proud of it) although everyone will assume that It is Christ except for those with unyielding faith in God,

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