Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The New Year Will Soon Be Here

Deep in the hearts of all people in the world is a common hope for peace in the new year but in the minds corrupted by Sin, peace is impossible until the Son of God comes again in glory.  Until that day arrives, time continues to advance on earth within the timelessness of an expansive universe and the Heaven above, and it is this annual advancement of time on this tiny planet earth that man of God's creation celebrates in accordance to an orderly rhythm, at different times, depending on where one is at, as listed here:

The hope for peace is a definitive sign that God is still pervasive in a secular world.  God has never left, rather it is God's children who have left God to pursue Satanic gifts of power and control, of self-righteousness and arrogance, of ruthlessness and deceit that are the stepping stones to Hell.

It is not enough for those to hope quietly that peace can be achieved without acting in accordance with the teachings of the Prince of Peace Who is Christ Who called on all to love God and to love one's neighbor.

To act in accordance with the Truth is to lead fearlessly and faithfully in order to counteract the fear-mongers, the anxiety-builders and the faithless secularists.  Not everyone will want to face the Truth and many envious opportunists will continue with their selfish, prideful and self-centered behaviors and continue to exist in denial, believing that they are entitled, that everyone else owes them, that their time on earth belongs to them and not God.  For them, the new year will be a continuation of the last unenlightened one.  These naysayers to God will have to be left behind for there are many who are willing to listen, learn and begin their difficult journeys away from darkness.  To the willing the angels incarnate will need to give their time and attention.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Conversation With A Homeless Veteran

Last evening on my return home from the gym to the car I had a chance to chat with a homeless veteran of the Iraq war.  His name was Jay.  Why he was homeless I still am not entirely sure.

I asked him why he did not move back with his parents.  He was a bit reluctant with his reply.  I asked if they were divorced.  He admitted with a sound that was hardly audible but the pain that he conveyed was clear.  Then he told me that they lived in Pennsylvania, that he was a divorced father of three girls whom he loved dearly.   He also told me he was bipolar and about his other health issues, and was taking methadone for pain prescribed by the VA hospital.

I asked him if he was Catholic since he was camped out under a display window in front of the office of the Archdiocese showing a Nativity Scene.  His answer was no but that he was spiritual, that there was one God with many names for different cultures, including Allah, and they are all about being good.  He told me many other things while I was freezing in my workout shorts.

One of the things he said was that he knew about the time before he was born.  He also said that Original Sin existed before anyone was born, that Free Will was inherent in the spirit form before birth, and that as soon as the spirit chose freely to leave God to be born, sin was committed, and then there was the flesh and "everything goes."  And he laughed.

I grinned.  Then I told him that I, too, knew about the time before my birth, although our analysis of what came after was different.  I did not expand on it too much because I was ready to leave.

Then he said, "You were, before you were, before you were." That was so cryptic that it took me some time to decipher after I got home.  I would have to ask him I was right if I see him next time.

He wanted to meet up again.  I told him where and when he could find me on Sunday.  It would be at Mass.

He is in my mind an "angel incarnate" to do the work of God [1] in this darkening, God-irrelevant world even though he now has a few issues that need to resolved before he takes his next steps.  I believe that they will be, and that his current station in life is preparing him well for the challenges ahead.

[1] At one point, he indicated that he wanted to protect children.  With his success in shielding them from Satan's influence, those in the business of saving adult souls would have less work to do and more time for fun, wholesome fun.

Saintliness Captured

The innocence and kindness of saintliness can be seen in the angelic face below [1]:

A close-up:

Who is giving a blessing to whom?  In my mind, only one answer is correct.  The boy is blessing the pope who needs all the blessings he can get.  His kind eyes gazing at the pope and his gentle and caring hand holding the pope's reassures the pope that God is very real and is with him (the boy but not the pope) and the pope, I imagine, knows that keenly. There is nothing the pope can do but adore the child, as he should.

This photograph by Paul Haring is as classic as any painting by any of the grand masters.  If it were a painting, it could very well be part of the permanent collection of one the world's most well-known museums.

[1] This is a Catholic News Service ("CNS") photograph by Paul Haring.  This photograph was taken on December 14, 2014, at Saint Joseph Parish in Rome, Italy (see page 8 at

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Conversion Of Souls

Those who have the gift of faith must reach out and convert the non-believers, one soul at a time, as impossible as the task is, is not one that can be set aside, hoping that someone else will do it because no one else will, or that somehow non-believers would themselves awaken to the Truth from their hypnotic state of denial because that will not happen, not without Divine intervention, and Divine intervention can only happen when one's heart is open to God freely, willingly and lovingly, but non-believers have exercised their Free Will to close themselves off to God, and it is up to God's messengers of the world, the angels incarnate, to give sight to the spiritually blind and hearing to the spiritually deaf.

It is important, although not enough to just "preach to the choir," to those who already attend Mass and listen to the sermons regularly, to keep them vigilant and safe from the influence of Satan.

It is also important, that the religious who exist within an organizational structure, to realize the limits of the structure which necessarily demands administrative time, time that could otherwise be spent in prayer and in the conversion of souls.

The more complex the structure, the more people would be necessary to uphold it, and therefore the more political the entity, causing the focus to shift away from the spiritual to the carnal aspects of existence dominated by the sins of egoism and pride which diminish the importance of God and neutralizes the meaning of Whose Son Who came to the world in humility to sacrifice Himself for the salvation of souls, and perverting the intended purity of such a structure by stripping away its holiness, leaving it to become yet another vapid, self-serving and self-perpetuating secular institution with God in the periphery, on the lips but not in the heart, and that is the Vatican today.

A new group of people, the angels incarnate of the world, will need to arise from obscurity, and rise to the Light from which they came, to illuminate the darkness and speak the Truth to the people of the world.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day Thoughts - 2014

Throughout this blog, a presumption has been made that the birth of Christ falls on December 25 when the calender changed from B.C. (before Christ) to A.D. (Anno Domine) [1].  Whether Jesus was actually born on December 25 at midnight between B.C. and A.D. is uncertain, but interest generated by the Star of Bethlehem among astronomers is evident [2].

This entry is not about science but rather a chronology of miracles.  Readers are urged to add to or subtract from the miracle count surrounding the birth of Jesus starting with The Immaculate Conception:

1.  The Immaculate Conception. [3], [4], [5]
2.  The Annunciation. [6]
3.  An angel appeared to Joseph. [7], [8]
4.  Angels appeared to the shepherds. [9]
5.  The Magi and the Star of Bethlehem. [10]
6.  An angel appeared to Joseph a second time. [11]

Miracles are continuing to take place, even in the midst of great suffering.  They are as invisible as the gifts of life and Free Will for those who choose not to acknowledge them.

Have a Blessed Christmas!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Blog's Refrain

I would like the following to be this blog's refrain:

What I am is God's gift to me;
what I make of it is my gift back to God. [1]

The refrain could be one of the cornerstones of God's universal Church, as restored, alluded to in my last entry.  A restored church is still being imagined [2] and will be the antithesis of the current Vatican, a religious organization that has lost all credibility.  

[1] What was given to all of us on Christmas Day was the Son of God.  What humanity has made of this Gift has been abominable.
[2] Whether the imagination can be completed is God's call.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Darkening Skies

My last entry ended with this question: "Christmas will be here in two days.  What do people have on their minds?"

Imagine if people of the world are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ 2,014 years ago in earnest, without guise, by loving God and loving their neighbors, then nothing on their minds would cause fear or anxiety, or lead to an obsession with doing Satan's work that destroys the family, the Church and one another [1], and people can exist in peace.

The way things are going, the world is going to be enveloped by total darkness and those who continue to do the work of Satan will eventually never again see the light.  Even as the skies are beginning to be blackened, a new light will be forming in the midst of blackness.  This bright light will shine forth from the faces and smiles of all the people, regardless of religion or race, who are willing to return to Christ and His simple ways that lead to the Truth.

Simplicity is straightforward but difficult and painful  to achieve.  Its success will require discipline, determination and patience, honest and apolitical leadership, purity of heart and love of God.  A single leader, or many leaders in various nations, cannot accomplish this, but many, many small groups of twos and threes that will roam, and spread, throughout the world can.  Together, they will pierce holes through the pitch black forces of Evil with nothing more than basic goodness.

Basic goodness requires the people in these small groups to first reform their own bodies and transform them into individual temples of God.  That means their bodies shall not be desecrated by the abuse of food [2], alcohol and drugs (overeating, over drinking and over medicating) and shall be preserved through a regiment of exercises and proper rest. Simultaneously, they shall reform their minds and transform them into unique reservoirs of the Truth through daily prayers with love (prayers must always be prayed with undiluted love).  Then they shall become themselves examples of God's gift, having realized the potential and the splendor of life at its very core.  And they shall take the vow of celibacy and adhere to it.

This shall be the signature image of each and every small group of people who will spread not only the word of God but will live the life of Christ and His disciples.  Together, they will be a diverse nation of priests, replacing the Jews who had failed to deliver to the world a kingdom of priests [3]. These groups of Gentiles and converted Jews will succeed.  They cannot, and must not fail.  For them to fail is for Satan to win.  Satan will not win again.  These Gentiles and converted Jews will not betray the Son of God because they love God. Because they love God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the angels of Heaven will be with them and guide them along the way.

[1] There is much evidence to show the disintegration of the family, the dismantling of the Catholic Church, growing unrest in many nations and the beginnings of another world war.  The daily events, political, military and economic, that are unfolding tell the story and it would be too voluminous to cite them all here.
[2] Food shall not be contaminated by any genetic modification and shall be fertilized naturally.

A Nativity Scene

After Mass on Sunday I viewed the Nativity Scene at the front of the church.  There was a donkey, a cow and some lambs.  Mary and Joseph were kneeling on either side of the manger.  In front of them were the three wise men [1].  The only figurine missing was infant Jesus.  What happened?  Did someone take the baby?  Then it dawned on me that Christmas was still four days away.  Jesus was not yet born. So what if the wise men got there early in this Nativity Scene?  When one has an appointment with Christ, showing up late is not recommended.

The farm animals that were around the stable were docile and ready to serve.  No predator figurines like wolves or lions and no vermin figurines like rats or mice were present.  I recall a sermon equating the stable animals to Jesus Who was born to serve, and like the lambs, perhaps the cow too, would one day be sacrificed for the sake of man.  That would come later.  Now, the Christian world is anticipating the arrival of December 25th, the day that Christ was born.

In the secular world, however, "Christmas" can apparently come early.  One newscaster announced that "Christmas" came early for certain folks because they won some kind of lotto.  The station showed how happy they were to receive a check.  Ah!  How money can buy happiness!

Happiness, so elusive and transient, is a feeling people will go far and pay dearly for.  And Jesus Who wants no money and has no cash to give can give the repented sinner true and lasting joy, yet many simply do not care.

Christmas will be here in two days.  What do people have on their minds?

[1] 12/23/14 5:42 PM:  On further examination, those figurines were shepherds.  Beside one of them was some kind of sheep dog.  The three wise men that I missed were actually on the right side of the Holy Doors "progressing" ever so deliberately toward the Nativity Scene situated on the left side of the Holy Doors.  The Magi, being ever so wise, would never be late to see Jesus on that momentous silent and holy night of His humble birth.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thoughts On Christmas Gifting

The first three gifts of Christmas were from the three wise men.  These gifts were for the newborn, not just any newborn, but the Son of God.

Fast forward 2,014 years and look at what gifts are given and to whom they are given.  Jesus is no longer here in the flesh so there is no need to shop for Him, but His Church is here, those who need to be saved are here, the orphans are here, the elderly, sick and lonely are here and what have I done this Christmas season?  Embarrassed to say, very little.  Why so little?  I have my excuses.  First, I am not a saint by any stretch of the imagination and far from perfect; I prefer more and more the life of a semi-recluse; I do not find material things to be an effective and lasting substitute for respect and love; and I dislike shopping, much more now than in the past.

In my opinion, today's Christmas gifting is not about giving of oneself to the Savior but about merchandising, shopping, materialism, consumerism, aggregate spending, economic indicators, feasting, drinking, partying, and most of all, receiving.  The day after, one common question is what did you get for Christmas?  And probably nobody expects or wants a note saying "in lieu of a Christmas gift, I have donated on your behalf funds to aid the Syrian refugees."

Generally people do not want to think of the refugees and orphans of war; they much rather complain about the gift they received, whine about the gift they wanted but did not get, talk about exchanging, returning and refunding and gripe about the traffic and the shopping crowds.

Nor do they want to think about Jesus.  What about telling others how wonderful the Christmas Mass was, as if that was part of their Christmas Day, as if giving to Christ a bit of time to honor His birth is too much to ask for on their day off? Would they even have a holiday without Jesus being Who He is and without Him being born?

So Christmas is now a secular holiday, a day of expectation of gifts, not just any bunch of gifts, but a mix of the right gifts.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Is The Antichrist Wrong?

Words describing humans from the Antichrist's perspective were in my last post: "these self-righteous, selfish, stupid and sinful humans will finally get what they deserve: an eternity in Hell."  If that is what the Antichrist think of humans, could It be right?

Perhaps the question ought to be worded this way:  How could It be wrong?  It was once an angel and angels are never wrong.

If humans are so sinful and undeserving, why does God love them so much that Christ came down from Heaven as the Son of God so that they may be saved?

The answer is that man was made in the image of God and as such, God has hope that man may become like Christ just as man has hope to become perfect like his Creator.  This hope in many is sometimes extinguished because they have sold their souls to the Devil--extinguished, but not extinct. Just like an extinguished candle can be relit, hope can arise from hopelessness.

It is man's willingness and ability to regret, confess and repent his wrongs that makes tears that cleanse his soul and returns to it its interior peace, that turns God's anger into compassion, that tips the Scales of Justice toward forgiveness, that rekindles God's unconditional love, that opens the Gates of Heaven bringing fulfillment by the Holy Spirit, that allows man to see the Sacred Heart of Jesus brought by His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Who will lead him to Heaven.

Modus Operandi Of The Antichrist

All kinds of speculations on the Antichrist abound the internet.  Let me add another.

In my last post, I used the name "The Unholy Trio."  Here I define It to represent a three-headed monster from Hell [1] that can appear "single-headedly" to different segments of people in ways that appeal to those particular segments.  It is the one "who articulates [and] draw[s] the attention of both male and female equally regardless of race," repeating words in footnote 4 of the same post.  It will be neither flamboyant nor loud, It will not "tweet" but will accomplish Its goals surreptitiously by means of Its superior intellect (It was a former angel after all), devilish charm and good looks.

One of Its ability is to be apolitical and unite people with differing political outlooks under the label of pride--national pride in countries that are diverse, ethnic and cultural pride in countries that are homogeneous, religious pride in theocracies, economic pride in regions that are affluent, and so on.

Thus, from one prideful population fully united under Its plan It will go to another prideful population to infiltrate and unite it.  It might even have the multilocation ability to be at different locations at the same time to do Its work.  When It is done, nations will rise against nations while It rests and enjoys the bloody spectacle of death and destruction, at the same time reveling in the thought that all these self-righteous, selfish, stupid and sinful humans will finally get what they deserve: an eternity in Hell with no fulfillment, no peace, no joy and no hope [2].

[1] The first head is the original head of a most beautiful angel in Heaven, the second head is the fallen Lucifer, the deformed head of Satan and the third head is the invisible force of pure Evil transforming the first two with disguises to fool those distant from God.
[2] Some people may already be experiencing Hell on earth, even though they may deny it, by equating material possessions with fulfillment, mundanity and spiritlessness of secularism with interior peace, superficial celebrations (when a favorite sport teams wins, when a nemesis is subject to derision and humiliation, when gorging on gourmet food at a restaurant buffet and getting inebriated for example) with true joy and greed of all kinds with hope to be with Christ.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Invisible Hell

Advent was mentioned in the 12/11/14 post:  "[T]his is the season of Advent, a season that looks toward the Second  Coming of Christ, a season of penance to prepare for the Second Coming."  Before Christ comes again, the world will first meet the Antichrist [1], [2].

Antichrist was mentioned in the last post: "The most powerful forces of evil are forces that deceive people into believing that they are the forces of good.  This is the beginning of the making of the Antichrist."  These deceiving forces are gaining in power in recent decades [3].

While penance is necessary to prepare for the Second Coming, being armed is essential for confrontations with the Enemy.  In other words, doing penance is a defense against the possibility of eternal Hell on Judgment Day whereas battling forces of deceit is an offense that drives away dark forces and prevents oneself from being presently  drawn into the vortex of deceit that spins the Truth endlessly toward the lightless pit of Hell.

One can do penance by confessing to a priest.  To combat evil forces, one must pray to God for help because the sinful man himself cannot defeat Satan.  Those who think that they are self-sufficient without the need for God are already defeated.  Hypocrites who pay lip-service to God are no different from the betrayers and crucifiers of Christ and are well on their way to Hell.  The self-righteous ones, religious and secular, who live in denial of the world's truths and God's Truth and thus cannot see their own faults are free-falling toward the invisible Hell on earth ruled by the Antichrist. [4]

[3] There is no need to identify them.  Either one already knows them and if one does not, that means Satan's influence had already taken hold.  Such a person will continue to remain deceived unless God intervenes.
[4] The Antichrist, I imagine, is at the beginning not a single individual, but a growing tsunami of evil forces, represented by evil-infected powerful people in the world, simultaneously and in succession, that are working to transform the God-given positive effusive energy that into a negative fear-driven pull of equal intensity.  After sucking all the transformable energy of God into an invisible black hole from which it cannot escape, a trio of forces will emerge from it--The Unholy Trio--to mirror The Holy Trinity.  This Unholy Trio will be the only superstars of the world.  They will promise the people "heaven on earth."  One of them who articulates will draw the attention of both male and female equally regardless of race not because It is Christ, but because It is the Antichrist.  This creature will never say that It is Christ (It enjoys being the all-powerful Antichrist and is proud of it) although everyone will assume that It is Christ except for those with unyielding faith in God,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Heaven's Government

If Heaven has the equivalent of a government, it is not a democracy--it is a dictatorship, a benevolent dictatorship.  Thus, the best leader the world can have is a benevolent dictator, but the world will never have a benevolent dictator because the majority of people are hungry for power and money, and they will do virtually anything to achieve what they want, however unethical, immoral, corrupt or ruthless, and will eliminate such a leader, should one exists.  One did.  His name was Jesus.

Today, many lawmakers and law enforcers think that they are right, not because they are doing the right things in Jesus' name but because they are self-righteous and doing the wrong things unknowingly in Satan's name.  There is no direct proof to substantiate the assertion.  Even if there is, whoever tries to assemble a dossier to expose the truth will be silenced, one way or another, by Satan's minions.  Even if the truth is known, people will continue to lie their way around and deny it.  That happens daily when anyone with any power opens his or her mouth.

To have Heaven on earth, the worldly truths have to coincide with the Eternal Truth which comes from God.  The Eternal Truth does not waiver and is eternal.  It is patient and waits for acceptance.  No government is capable to rule in accordance with the Truth because every government has been infiltrated by the forces of evil.  The most powerful forces of evil are forces that deceive people into believing that they are the forces of good.  This is the beginning of the making of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will make people believe he can turn earth into heaven when it is Hell that he wants the earth to become.  The government of Hell is a failed democracy, everyone is constantly bickering, with everyone blaming everyone else for his self-righteous, self-serving, deceivingly altruistic agenda gone wrong while suffering in eternity.  In short, no soul is ever at peace.  Every soul is bitter, always trying to find a way out of and denying the Truth, even in Hell.  In Hell, these Truth-denying souls belong.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Hong Kong Protest Ends (For Now)

The pro-democracy occupation in Hong Kong is over [1].  Attached is a photo from Google Images showing Joshua Wong (center) and Victor Shum (left), two of the original faces and voices that led the protests in Hong Kong (zoom in to view or enlarge) :

Do they have angelic looks and teeth?  Would one's soul be delighted to see them as greeters that show the way to eternity?

Had the demonstrators acted like Christ?  Would Christ in a largely Godless society resort to civil disobedience in order to impose His will on others?  Is civil disobedience an indication of humility?

Were the demonstrators being treated like Christ was, starved, scourged, tortured and crucified by their government?  Were they denied the right to worship?  The answers are no, and no.  In fact, Hong Kong has quite a few Catholic churches [2].

One wonders if any of the demonstrators is Catholic and follows the teachings of Christ.  Assuming that the demonstrators had prevailed and they had been given the democracy they desired, does anyone believe they can usher in an utopian society?  What would they do with the dissenters?  (These demonstrators were in fact in the minority since a majority of people in Hong Kong disagreed with them.)  Why do the demonstrators think that their Godless government is superior to any other Godless government [3]?

Without God at the center in a person's life, within a family unit and in a society, Satan will enter and create havoc.  Satan does not want any side to win.  It just wants everyone to be against everyone so they can destroy each other and go to Hell.

[3] Godless governments include those hypocritical governments around the world that uses the name "God" and calls on God but are in fact Godless.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Alone For "The Holidays"

Around the world the sights and sounds of Christmas can be seen and heard as people busy themselves with shopping and Christmas parties.  Then there are those who are alone [1] walking among the shoppers, the revelers, the well-dressed party crowd, families on vacation and groups of friends.   As one who is comfortable on my own, I find weaving in and out of the "partiers" far more often and more fun than being at a party.  However, I am keenly aware of those who feel left out at this time of year.  This entry is for them.

I had gone through a period of not fitting in, of being left behind, left out and left alone, a painfully depressing time.  I focused on myself, pitied myself and thought only of myself: it was me, me and me.  That self-centeredness deepened and lengthened my depression.  The Rx is not a drug prescription but a prayer reflection on the true meaning of Christmas, a sharp contrast to the secularized and commercialized version of the "holiday season."

As I have recently learned at Mass, this is the season of Advent, a season that looks toward the Second  Coming of Christ, a season of penance to prepare for the Second Coming.  Thus, this is not supposed to be a time for shopping, gifting, drinking and feasting.  When one internalizes the Advent season, then one who is alone no longer needs to feel lonely or depressed, for spending time away  from the holiday sales, away  from the gatherings where God is not invited and is unwanted is actually good for the soul, when one is no longer centered on oneself, on all kinds of consumption that feeds the ego and its self-image but on the firm belief that the One Who was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Christmas Day will again come to judge the living and the dead in light of the Truth from which nobody can hide or escape.  Hopefully, God will take into consideration the time one has spent honoring God relative to the time spent pampering and pitying oneself and grant mercy before the final judgment.

Therefore, to those who are alone during Advent, Christmas and New Years, "the holiday season,"  feel good about having the luxury of time away from the hustle and bustle of a Godless consumerist society to spend with God, alone, to reconcile oneself to the Truth, to pray for forgiveness, and for guidance to choose and follow the path that leads to Christ, and ultimately to Heaven.

[1] One who is alone does not mean one is lonely, but those who are alone can at times have feelings of loneliness.  Time spent in loneliness is a difficult time but those who experience loneliness while sharing a life with another tend to have a far more difficult time relative to that of a single person who experiences loneliness alone.  To those who feel alone among others, go see God Who is waiting, Who is everywhere, Who will be The  most wonderful companion, always.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Third Gift Of God

Previous entries in this blog had identified the first two gifts of God, namely, the gift of flesh [1] followed by the gift of Free Will.  The third is the gift of creativity [2].

[1] The gift of flesh is only possible when Free Will is exercised in accordance with the "thou shall not kill (abort)" commandment since abortion kills the chance for a spirit to experience incarnation outside of a mother's womb.
[2] God is the Supreme Creator.  Man is created in the image of God.  Therefore man is also able to create.  For those who think that they cannot create but wish to, they should simply flip on the creative switch inside and turn up the intensity, but must guard with vigilance against the gift from being hijacked by evil.  Sadly, good intentions are often thwarted.  Gun powder is a good example: the concoction that was originally created for fireworks as a celebration had been weaponized to kill.  See the history of gunpowder at  Humans are another: God intends for all people to be good but Satan has been able to tempt them successfully with apples of sin.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Feast Of the Immaculate Conception - Monday, December 8, 2014

On Thursday, March 25, 1858, "[t]he vision [Bernadette Soubirous saw] finally revealed her name, but the wild rose bush, on which she stood during the Apparitions, did not bloom. Bernadette recounted; 'She lifted up her eyes to heaven, joined her hands as though in prayer, that were held out and open towards the ground and said to me: Que soy era Immaculada Concepciou (I am the Immaculate Conception) .'  The young visionary left and, running all the way, repeated continuously the words that she did not understand. These words troubled the brave Parish Priest. Bernadette was ignorant of the fact that this theological expression was assigned to the Blessed Virgin.Four years earlier, in 1854, Pope Pius IX declared this a truth of the Catholic Faith (a dogma)[.]" [1]

Every apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary that had been reported had been spectacular.  Of the ones I know of, I like the apparition in Lourdes, France, the best because in a way, I was "called" to go there--not the actual Grotto but a local replica.  That evening, St. Dominic's church was showing a film of the Grotto in Lourdes and Mass was celebrated afterward.  Actual water from the Lourdes Grotto was brought to Mass during which everyone was invited to put his/her hand into the big bowl of Lourdes water.  I was a bit tentative when it was my turn and the lady holding the bowl of water asked me to swirl my hand around in the water.  I did just that and experienced something very unusual--a healing of sorts, but that could not be documented by extrinsic evidence.  It would be something I could tell but it would never be believed by anyone.

Tonight [2] I went to pray the rosary in front of the replica.  After praying the rosary, and after some spending some quiet time in thought and in prayer, there was a faint smell of lilac for a minute or so.  I smelled that fragrance before at the same place because there was lilac on the side of the "grotto" but that was during the summer.  It is now winter.  I went around to the side (both sides) to see if there was any lilac in bloom.  There was none.  In fact, I did not see any lilac plant but to be absolutely objective, it was too dark for me to tell if the plants on the side were or were not lilac.  What was certain was that those plants had no flowers, whatever species they were.  I immediately got goosebumps.  I again was wondering where the lilac fragrance came from, not unlike the kind of questioning I had when I saw the light show on Saturday, December 6, 2014, during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in The Star of the Sea church's side chapel.  If the smell of lilac was an acknowledgement of sorts, I am grateful, however undeserving, whatever its meaning [3].

[2] It is now past midnight so by the time I publish this, it would technically be last night.
[3] A word of caution: Wherever God is near, Satan and those under Its influence are never far away--sometimes, the evil is so near that It is already inhabited within the self.  That parasite can be challenging to recognize but it is important to recognize It and rid oneself of It.  Seeing It is the first step.  Devising a strategy to strengthen oneself and excise It is the next.  Continuous execution of the strategy to eliminate It from one's entire being is the final step.  This is not easy to do.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament

Seeing a person kneeling before a monstrance with a Holy Communion inside almost looks like a still-life painting but my first experience tells me that the act of adoration is not static.  Perhaps the words "adoration of the Blessed Sacrament" do not connote much activity.  Perhaps those are not the best words to describe the time one is spending with Christ.

Spending time with the Lord is not a static event, nor is it a silent soliloquy.  To begin, one must have faith in Christ.  The next step in to believe that Christ is truly present, that He is right there, listening.  Then a dialog begins: one prays from the heart, Christ listens and  acknowledges [1].

[1] I spent time before the Blessed Sacrament this afternoon, my first time kneeling before a monstrance.  I went into the small chapel half-heartedly, thinking that I would benefit from it just from "going through the motions" without really expecting anything, but then I had hoped that I would see some kind of sign that Christ was present.  Of course, it was not realistic to expect it: it was a passing thought, a secret fantasy.  From a past experience, I should know better: there are no  secrets one can keep from Christ.   I closed my eyes.  I saw a noticeable darkness.  I did not like it.  I knew I was in a bit of trouble.  I then reconciled myself to God.  When I opened my eyes, I saw spots of colored light on the left side of the monstrance (I was kneeling on the left side of the monstrance).  I looked back to see if anyone else saw it, and wondered if they were from the sunlight shining through a stained glass window in the back of the chapel.  I turned back and looked again, the round colored spots of light were still present.  I turned my head back a second time to see where the sunlight was coming in from -- it was not evident -- the sun was not shining in from that direction.  I looked back and the colored lights were gone.  Fine.  Then I concluded it was physics but was not entirely convinced that it was.  I thought again, this time not so secretively, and said to the Lord in my mind that if what I saw was some kind of sign, I would like to see that again.  The second time the light was different.  I saw very subtle, small rays of light, again only on the left side of the monstrance, on the purple cloth that served as the background behind the monstrance, varying from lighter purple to darker purple.  I knew that this could not have been sunlight for there was no sunlight coming from the right side.  The right side was a painted wall with no windows.  I was still unconvinced.  I thought that this time my eyes were playing tricks with me and with that thought, the light show disappeared.  Finally, I thought that if Peter could deny Christ three times, I certainly could have a third try.  Nothing happened for a while.  Then I saw the monstrance casting a shadow on the purple cloth behind it.  This time, the shadow fell to the right of the monstrance.  This made scientific sense because I did see sunlight peek through the stained glass windows on the left side, causing the shadow to appear.  It was a shadow like any other, no spots of color, no gradation of purple -- it was simply a dark shadow showing the intricacies of the monstrance on a purple cloth.  It lasted for a little while longer than expected, considering the two previous light shows were both of shorter duration (actually the first light show lingered a bit longer than the second, maybe even longer than the last, considering I turned my head around twice -- how long it lasted I do not know).  So what is my conclusion?  If I was shown the presence of Christ, I am thankful.  If I was fantasizing--I do not know why I would be in the first place--it was a fantasy I did not choreograph.  Why was I not shown an even more fantastical light show the third time?  I think because someone is upset that I had so little faith and wanted to point out how dumb I was not to know the difference between what is worldly and what is other-worldly.  In order to show that the first two were other-worldly, the third one had to be worldly to show the contrast.  For me, the contrast worked: I am convinced the the first two light shows were not rooted in physics.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World's Protests

Arab Spring began in January, 2011 [1] in North Africa and the Mideast, affecting Egypt, Syria, Libya, followed by protests in Kiev, Ukraine in November, 2013 [2], and in Hong Kong in September, 2014 [3].  Regardless of how such protests and conflicts arose, they have come to the United States in cities like Ferguson, New York, Chicago and Washington D.C. beginning circa November, 2014, after two grand jury verdicts, in Ferguson [4] and in New York [5], [6], both favoring the police.

Now that some of the most influential parts of the world have had a taste of the poison of protests and conflicts, disrupting the peace and livelihoods of people, perhaps the protestors will go away, but I am not optimistic because the fortitudinously weak but politically powerful game-changers of different stripes over the years have played the game into the hands of Satan and became Its minions, so that this is no longer a world of unity but of division, of honesty but of deceit, of light but of darkness.  In the world of Satan, there is no God but evil disguised as secularism, lawlessness [7] as victimhood, self-serving pride and greed [8] as righteousness.

[7] Lawlessness is never an excuse for perceived injustice, nor is it a remedy for true injustice.  Perceived injustice requires self-examination, corrective behavior and curative action whereas true injustice demands forgiveness.
[8] Self-serving pride and greed shocks the conscience of the good and awes those blind to the Truth.

Two Strangers Entering My Life

I call them strangers because we do not really know one another.  One of them is a young Japanese-German man who met me at the gym; another is a German lady who is one of my neighbors.  He is 24, she is 70.  I have had two conversations each with the young man and my neighbor.  Neither of them is religious [a] but both are spiritual, smart and articulate.

While it is normal for a first conversation to be light and casual, but then I am not a normal person.  Without telling them much of who I am for nothing that I am is interesting or important, I related to them some of the miracles that I encountered.  For some reason, I no longer feel uncomfortable talking to others about the miracles [1] for I am no longer ashamed of them and afraid what others might think.

Neither of them fled as a result of our talks.  Perhaps God brought us together.  If that is the case, I must have been given the courage to talk about the miracles.  Maybe they drew them out of me, or maybe I sensed that they had a need to hear them.  Rightly or wrongly, I decided that recounting my experiences would lead them to the Mother of God, so She could introduce them to Her Son, Jesus.

Perhaps this signals a new direction in my life, toward an evangelization stage, one that I have not asked for, for I am used to a semi-reclusive existence, and certainly not prepared to undertake, for my life's secular burdens continue to demand my time, exhaust my energy and create stress.  What is interesting is that my conversations did not exhaust me, stress me out and make me feel that time was wasted.  On the contrary, both strangers rejuvenated me, enriched my spirit and made me feel that my time was not wasted on things that are secular and temporal but rather invested in the holy and eternal.

If doing God's work can be so fun and rewarding, I would like to do it tirelessly -- I just need to find a way to end my secular responsibilities for good -- that will take a miracle.

[a] I found out today that the 24 year old was taken to be baptized Catholic by his maternal grandmother against his parents' wishes.  He is not practicing but is willing to attend Mass in Latin with me tomorrow, Sunday.  He actually spent a few minutes before the Blessed Sacrament today before he decided to pray before the Blessed Virgin Mary instead.  My neighbor will need a lot more time.  Only a miracle to some degree will be able to convince her.  I pray that it would happen.
[1] I am still not ready to share them on this blog.