Monday, July 15, 2013

Two Masters

These words ring true and no one can do anything to change that [1]: "You cannot serve both God and money," from the Gospel of Matthew at 6:24.  It is not that one has hate and love the other, or devoted to one and despise the other; it is that in today's world there is no practical means to ignore the ubiquity of money and serve God exclusively, not any priest, nun, monk, minister, cardinal, pope or any ascetic in any religion or any person without a religion [2].  In other words, with perhaps the exception of the woman in footnote [2], everyone is corrupted by Judas' 30 pieces of silver that Satan transformed into the world's currencies.

Even those who desire to serve the poor need money to give them water, food, shelter and medication.  While Mother Nature does provide water, food and caves and herbs to cure certain ailments [3], they are no longer easy to come by because man has destroyed so much of Mother Nature in order to "advance civilization" and "make life easier" for everyone, for money, of course.

So what is a person who wish to serve God wholeheartedly to do?  If he gives up his work and all his money and belongings, who will feed him, clothe him and shelter him?  How can a mendicant help the destitute?  Are the poor all so deserving and if so, what did Christ do for them during His time here?  There were poor people back then too but he did not go to their weddings and turn their water into wine.

If anyone has answers to these questions, please answer them here with for without your help, I can never hope to walk free in the light of Christ but forever exist under the shackles of Satan, continuously betraying Christ under the cover of darkness with coins in my hand which are, in essence, the very same coins that Judas held in his.

[1] That is no one except the most holy and the only person with original sin who was able to live and die by those words was Saint Francis of Assisi.
[2] While writing these words I had in the back of my mind an article I read some years ago, at the start of the US invasion of Afghanistan, about an American woman, found by the US military, who before the US invasion left the comforts of American life to live among the Afghans (I think to serve their needs).  If she was/is doing what I think she was/is doing, she could be the only person I am aware of who is able to prove wrong my assertion.  To her, I humbly bow, and admit my error, ask her for her forgiveness and her blessing.
[3] Certain ailments curable only by modern medications are advance ailments and medications that have surfaced due to the sin of greed for money and power.  Going back again to the Garden of Eden, there were no diseases, and no mosquitoes.  Did you hear Eve or Adam say, "I have a headache, or I'm sick of itching day and night with these insect bites therefore I have to disobey God and eat the Apple of Knowledge, so that I will know not only good and evil but also how to make an insecticide to kill these pests and an asprin"?

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