Thursday, July 25, 2013

Frank (Jorge), The Pope - Successor Of Peter Or Minion Of Lucifer

This creature, Jorge Bergolio, is the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ but my opinion is that he is anything but based on the articles in the newspaper [1] and videos of the staged and security-screened "crowds" he waded into in Brazil.  I was planning to support my opinion with facts and arguments but have decided that it would be pointless to do so. [3]  He is what he is, and to me, he is a minion of Lucifer - unwise, unintelligent, unforgiving, calculating, vengeful, hypocritical, proud and in a word, ungodly.  After much deliberation, I whispered to myself:  "He is the last pope." [2]

The good news is: the Church will survive.  It is, after all, the House of God, even though its inhabitants and caretakers maybe destined for Hell.

May this creature, the head of the Catholic church, wake up soon to Christ.


[2] Perhaps the cardinals who elected this creature will find him to be so slimy and disgusting that they will no longer elect a pope but form a group of 12 to reform the Church.
[3] This Note [3], added subsequently, is deliberately numbered out of sequence because I cannot hold back this comment because it has been bothering me:  The article entitled "Vatican updates laws; Pope Francis expands reach of the Vatican court," cited in Note [1] above, reported that "the new Vatican laws make it much easier for the Vatican to cooperate with other governments and even extradite a person who committed the crime elsewhere, but was trying to hide in the Vatican."  I thought the last place on earth that would allow a repentant sinner to see forgiveness and refuge would be the Vatican but it is no longer a place of forgiveness and refuge under this creature who is now head of the Vatican.  That being the case, the woman who committed adultery in the Bible would have been handed to those who wanted her stoned to death by this powerful creature and she would have been stoned to death.  Thank goodness he was not in existence when Jesus was around but his distant relatives who cooperated with the government to have the sinless Jesus crucified might have existed then.  The article continued to report that "more changes to Vatican laws and procedures are in the works, specifically those dealing with how money is handled and how financial transactions are monitored."  Right, the important parts that cannot see the light of day are "in the works" and they will foreseeably remain "in the works" till kingdom come, because if the truth be told which by the way is easy to tell (the truth is always simple), the Catholic church will be embarrassed.  Has Satan's representative finally made it to the very top? 

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