Saturday, July 13, 2013

Be Happy With Yourself

Go to the mirror.  Look at your face.  Smile, look at your smiling face.  Move closer to the mirror.  Look into your kind eyes.  Look deeply into them.  Do you see the beauty and kindness of God looking back at you?  If you do, that is because you love God and God loves you.  Be happy with yourself.  You are a treasure of God and will forever be a treasure of God.  Do not be depressed. Do not abuse yourself.  Be kind to yourself first.  Then be kind to your mother and father or the ones who have raised you.  Then be kind to your siblings, your mentors, your friends, your acquaintances and those who have helped you and those who have one way or another have tangentially become a part of your life.  Pray for all of them.  Pray for those whom you do not personally know, because you like them, because you do not like them, because they are suffering, because they are leading successful and happy lives, because they have done God's work or because they have committed unspeakable sins.  All have beginnings in goodness and God, even though some have sold their souls to Satan, like Judas who betrayed Jesus.

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