Thursday, July 25, 2013

Death And The Fear Of Death

There is no need to fear death for only in death are we able to continue our walk with Christ.  [1]

[1] Those words are pretty like the a dew on the tip of a fresh blade of grass sparkling in the morning sun, seen for a moment but forgotten the very next.  So let me re-write, sans the sugar-coating:  Do not be afraid to die with Christ in your mind, heart and soul but be very afraid that even when you want to die, you cannot. [2]
[2] After writing this, I was looking around You-Tube and saw this for the first time:  Starting at about 6:06, the girl said (as translated), "They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldn't.  The Lord told me, 'Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on earth.'"  [3] I never expected this.  This is scaring me.  I am not holy and I certainly do not wish to end up in Hell like JP2.  I knew early on that JP2 was not a good person.  In fact, I did not like him when I watched on television the day he became pope, but I did not know he is burning in Hell. On the other hand, I liked Pope John Paul from the moment I saw him as pope on television, even though I do not know him and his time as pope was very short.  The video can also be seen here: and the same words appear at about 5:33.  The fact that not many people know this girl when the Lord spoke to her makes her believable for she had nothing to gain.  Not many people know her now.  I have not yet found out her name or where she lives.  Beginning with the New Testament, the new covenant that fulfills and replaces the old, the Lord tends to choose "unknowns" to do His work.  Mary, the Mother of God, is the first.  Then came Joseph and the 12 Apostles, followed by the true and holy saints, many of whom during their time were relative unknowns before they answered their respective call from Heaven, such as Bernadette of Lourdes and Francis of Assisi.
[3] Today is 8/3/2013.  Again I have been looking around You-Tube and this time I found this:  At about 1:16, the nun said (as translated), "Most of humanity will be destroyed[.] Neither priests nor the faithful will be spared [.] Survivors will be in such desolation they will envy the dead."

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