Tuesday, July 9, 2013

JohnPaul II Slated To Become A Saint!?

What is this world coming to?  Answer:  An end.

I do not know what the rest of the world thinks, but the late pope John Paul II was not from my perspective particularly saintly during his life; nonetheless, without my vote he is to become a saint. [1]  Some have even suggested that if JP2 became a saint, he should be the Patron Saint of Pedophiles.  As to the miracles attributed to him I must ask, why in the world would these ignorant nuns ask this dead man to intercede for them in the first place when they have so many other truly holy saints of the past to pray to, such as Saint Francis of Assisi who died with the wounds of Christ and Saint Bernadette of Lourdes who brought us healing water under the direction of the Virgin Mary (they are my favorite saints), as well as the Virgin Mary, our Mother and Christ Himself.  Why?  Were they being used?  Were they paid to make a false claims and admissions?  Why do people want JP2 to become a saint anyway?  How much money did the Vatican receive from the rich in Poland and elsewhere to elevate and fast track him to sainthood?  Although I am not a fan of Teresa of Calcutta, was she not at least as "saintly" and JP2?  Why is she not fast tracked to sainthood?  Is it because she does not have any supporters willing to pay the Vatican?  Is Francis, the pope, not a fan of hers?

The Catholic church is becoming more and more shrouded in political intrigue than spiritual mystique.  That cannot bode well for the future, for the Truth of God that is always simple, indisputable, and straight-forward and it is to be shown to all, without apology and with the hope that all will live by.

All the recent activities including actions taken and not taken (i.e. deliberate omissions) by this pope, including the most recent money laundering escapade [2] and his refusal to comment on the status of Catholic gays in America who can now marry and raise children [3], for example, that cannot see the light are the antithesis of God, sanctioned and promoted by the enemy Satan. [4]

[1] http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/05/19301242-pope-john-paul-ii-to-become-saint-vatican-says?lite
[2] http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/07/08/312799/vatican-bank-tied-to-money-laundering/
[3] http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/150135817?access_key=key-9alvedkjnomcorl3fu3&allow_share=true
[4] The money laundering was sanctioned by the Vatican and who is in charge now?  Francis, the Pope (the fake Francis, the Francis of Assisi impersonator).  We must pray that he be unshackled by the chains of Satan soon before he is doomed.  Can he, according to Saint Malachy, really be the last pope?

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