Sunday, July 28, 2013

It Is God's Hope But The Choice Is Mine

Without going into the details [1] that led up to a message that came into my consciousness moments before Mass over a decade ago, a message that made my whole body tremble, my knees buckle and my ankles weak.  I gripped the back of the bench in front of me with my hands as tight as I could to support myself so I could remain standing.  Everyone else was standing.  Mass was starting.

I have never been so frightened in my life.

I thought to myself: I had nothing wrong.  I wanted to make a checklist to be sure but my mind went blank almost as soon as I started.  I was caught utterly unprepared.  For whatever reason I was stupid enough to start with the thought that I did not kill anyone, thinking that I had better start with the Ten Commandments but that was the only commandment that I could think of at the time.  I still only know a few.  Moments after my mind went blank and it stayed blank while my entire physical being trembled, I got a message that I did not understand, not until now.

The message was this: "It is not what you have done.  It is what you haven't."

These words have continued to bother me ever since, every time they re-enter my mind.  There are a millions things I have not done, and dozens of things I would like to do but do not know how to or am afraid to do.  I have no encouragement and no help.  What am I supposed to do?  Have I not been doing the right things?

Apparently not.  Otherwise, I would probably have gotten this message instead: "Good job.  Keep doing what you are doing," which have not been much.  Nothing I do is out of the ordinary.  My existence has been rather mundane.

Whatever got me thinking about this again today is good because I may finally have an answer to those very cryptic words.  It could very well have been a "calling" of sorts, not so much to be a man of cloth but to be of service to God in some other way.  Suppose it was Christ Who was calling me, and what did I do?  Nothing.  That cannot be a smart thing.

One thing that is clear: God is persistent.  Never was I allowed to forget what took place.  And deep inside me a desire to do something meaningful continues to burn.

I have toyed with many very different and fun ideas for years but have been afraid to actually work on any of them.  What if I make the wrong choice and end up with disappointment after wasting time, energy and resources on it?  It would be so much easier if Christ could just write out the order in a letter, and e-mail it with a step-by-step instruction sheet attached.  It takes a lot out of me to initiate something since I am not ambitious or confident, even though I may have been given the tools and capability to do whatever that it is I am supposed to do, although I cannot be absolutely sure about that.

If so many years ago Christ gave me a sign, what was the reason for making it so difficult to understand it in the first place?  If anyone, He would be the One to know that I was not too bright and would not get the point, at least not until today.  Even today, what I think was the point back then maybe not be correct.  To be sure, if I am supposed to be of service to God, I still do not know which path to take, how or when to begin with so many possible yet divergent paths.

Another thing is clear: the choice is mine.  I have the power to decide what do to, that is if I choose to do anything at all.

In other words, God's words notwithstanding, I still have free choice, as did Adam and Lucifer before me.  I can choose to ignore the sign as a fantasy or a delusion.  That has not worked because it was too real: it was beyond my utmost imagination.  I accept the sign as real but can disregard it.  It was only a request, one I can freely reject, right?  Maybe it was a request with no expectation at all, or maybe it was ever so fleeting a hope that vanished quickly.

Whether it was a request or a hope with or without an expectation, it did not come from a relative, a friend or my imagination.  It came directly from Christ, or so I believe.  In this case, I think it is His hope that I can do better.  While the choice is mine as I continue to breathe the breath of life, the choice goes back to God when I have breathed my last.

God's wish made known to be by Christ is not easy to fulfill but not so difficult that it is impossible to grant.  May I have faith that the Lord will provide me with sufficient courage and guidance to do the job that lies ahead. 

Readers, if any, please think of me in your prayers from time to time and share in my hope that I will succeed in leading more souls on this earth closer to the Virgin Mary and to Christ, both of Whom were human and were able to accomplish good things against all the odds.  They expect us to follow their examples.  Perhaps you wish to join me in meeting this challenge.

God Bless. And Thank You.

[1] I will go into them when I am ready to.  I am not quite ready.  It is not easy.

Bravo To The Youths In Rio At World Youth Day

I could not have been more impressed by the production the Brazilians in Rio de Janeiro put together at the Copacabana Beach on Saturday night, July 29.  One of the scenes showed a group of young Franciscan friars dressed in brown tunics that were slightly frayed around the neck looking into the distance, without speaking, then sharing some dried bread without any water.  To me, that was a sermon they gave the pope, a sermon without words that screamed, "You Hypocrite!"

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Death And The Fear Of Death

There is no need to fear death for only in death are we able to continue our walk with Christ.  [1]

[1] Those words are pretty like the a dew on the tip of a fresh blade of grass sparkling in the morning sun, seen for a moment but forgotten the very next.  So let me re-write, sans the sugar-coating:  Do not be afraid to die with Christ in your mind, heart and soul but be very afraid that even when you want to die, you cannot. [2]
[2] After writing this, I was looking around You-Tube and saw this for the first time:  Starting at about 6:06, the girl said (as translated), "They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldn't.  The Lord told me, 'Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on earth.'"  [3] I never expected this.  This is scaring me.  I am not holy and I certainly do not wish to end up in Hell like JP2.  I knew early on that JP2 was not a good person.  In fact, I did not like him when I watched on television the day he became pope, but I did not know he is burning in Hell. On the other hand, I liked Pope John Paul from the moment I saw him as pope on television, even though I do not know him and his time as pope was very short.  The video can also be seen here: and the same words appear at about 5:33.  The fact that not many people know this girl when the Lord spoke to her makes her believable for she had nothing to gain.  Not many people know her now.  I have not yet found out her name or where she lives.  Beginning with the New Testament, the new covenant that fulfills and replaces the old, the Lord tends to choose "unknowns" to do His work.  Mary, the Mother of God, is the first.  Then came Joseph and the 12 Apostles, followed by the true and holy saints, many of whom during their time were relative unknowns before they answered their respective call from Heaven, such as Bernadette of Lourdes and Francis of Assisi.
[3] Today is 8/3/2013.  Again I have been looking around You-Tube and this time I found this:  At about 1:16, the nun said (as translated), "Most of humanity will be destroyed[.] Neither priests nor the faithful will be spared [.] Survivors will be in such desolation they will envy the dead."

Frank (Jorge), The Pope - Successor Of Peter Or Minion Of Lucifer

This creature, Jorge Bergolio, is the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ but my opinion is that he is anything but based on the articles in the newspaper [1] and videos of the staged and security-screened "crowds" he waded into in Brazil.  I was planning to support my opinion with facts and arguments but have decided that it would be pointless to do so. [3]  He is what he is, and to me, he is a minion of Lucifer - unwise, unintelligent, unforgiving, calculating, vengeful, hypocritical, proud and in a word, ungodly.  After much deliberation, I whispered to myself:  "He is the last pope." [2]

The good news is: the Church will survive.  It is, after all, the House of God, even though its inhabitants and caretakers maybe destined for Hell.

May this creature, the head of the Catholic church, wake up soon to Christ.


[2] Perhaps the cardinals who elected this creature will find him to be so slimy and disgusting that they will no longer elect a pope but form a group of 12 to reform the Church.
[3] This Note [3], added subsequently, is deliberately numbered out of sequence because I cannot hold back this comment because it has been bothering me:  The article entitled "Vatican updates laws; Pope Francis expands reach of the Vatican court," cited in Note [1] above, reported that "the new Vatican laws make it much easier for the Vatican to cooperate with other governments and even extradite a person who committed the crime elsewhere, but was trying to hide in the Vatican."  I thought the last place on earth that would allow a repentant sinner to see forgiveness and refuge would be the Vatican but it is no longer a place of forgiveness and refuge under this creature who is now head of the Vatican.  That being the case, the woman who committed adultery in the Bible would have been handed to those who wanted her stoned to death by this powerful creature and she would have been stoned to death.  Thank goodness he was not in existence when Jesus was around but his distant relatives who cooperated with the government to have the sinless Jesus crucified might have existed then.  The article continued to report that "more changes to Vatican laws and procedures are in the works, specifically those dealing with how money is handled and how financial transactions are monitored."  Right, the important parts that cannot see the light of day are "in the works" and they will foreseeably remain "in the works" till kingdom come, because if the truth be told which by the way is easy to tell (the truth is always simple), the Catholic church will be embarrassed.  Has Satan's representative finally made it to the very top? 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pope Frank Absent From Opening Mass In Rio De Janeiro

Happening now:  The pope misses the opening Mass in Rio de Janeiro on World Youth Day, 2013.  He got there and did not even bother to say "hello" to the crowd expecting to see him.   The homily was delivered by Archbishop Tempesta.  What is the pope's excuse?  I cannot think of any [1].  He should have just stayed "home," taking an advice he gave to others who wanted to go to Rome to celebrate his papal installation, to save the cost of the trip and donate it.  His absence is disappointing, I assume, for many who are at the Mass to see him.  Perhaps his fans would come to realize that he is not Francis of Assisi in any way, shape or form.  It would be true humility to embrace the flock, to lead the world's youth in person (that is what he is there for), not to ensconce himself in an undisclosed location.  He insulted (betrayed) those who believed him to be a good pope, the Catholic church and perhaps even Christ Himself. [2] His choice to sit with reporters in the plane to Rio, to ride in a non-flashy car from the airport -  all that is for show, for media and public consumption.  He is a fake Francis.  Starting with this entry, he is demoted in this blog to pope frank.

[1] But I can speculate.  I think he is throwing a tantrum, thinking that he is now pope and that security should have been flawless but as it turned out, security was breached even though his life was never in danger. As a result, he is consumed with fear and anger and could not bring himself to say the opening Mass.  He is nothing but a coward who roars like a lion in the security of his own den but in the face of danger, he is nothing like a representative of Christ, a lamb that is fearless in the face of danger and goes willingly to his/her death for Christ.  What a pathetic character.  To be a true disciple of Christ is to be ever so ready to die for the sake of Christ, not hide behind a bullet-proof popemobile as JP2 did after the assassination attempt.  It flies in the face of faith in God to have such protection and JP2 is to become a saint - ludicrous.  I suppose it takes a faithless coward to canonize another faithless coward.  The Pope, the Vicar of Christ, should be a faithful disciple who walks in the footsteps of Christ and never fears mortal death.  Pope Benedict XVI, a startling contrast to the idiots before and after him, said: "Following Christ as [H]is disciple is a life lived at the place where Jesus stands, and this place is the Passion.  In it, and nowhere else, is [H]is glory present." [3]
[2] Repeating a thought from an earlier entry in this blog, perhaps Saint Malachy was right, he is the last pope.  The Church needs to be rebuilt by a true Francis.
[3] Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, On The Way To Jesus Christ, trans. Michael J. Miller, (San Francisco:  Ignatius Press, 2005), 16.

Friday, July 19, 2013

On June 22, 2013, at a farewell lunch in a church parking lot for a parish priest, a 23 year-old Dominican novice [1] introduced me to when I told him that after they (he along with three other young novices) leave for their studies, I would no longer go to church to pray the vespers and the compline.  I have been going to that website daily.  Thank you, Brother Matthew Peddemors.

Today, the reading is from the book of James:
Short ReadingJames 1:2-4 ©
My brothers, you will always have your trials but, when they come, try to treat them as a happy privilege; you understand that your faith is only put to the test to make you patient, but patience too is to have its practical results so that you will become fully-developed, complete, with nothing missing. [2]
Prayers and intercessions follow:
Prayers and intercessions
Father, Christ prayed that we be forgiven through his passion. As you accepted him, accept his prayer for all sinners.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Through his beloved disciple, Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother;
  with her we pray to you for all her children.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Father, heed the anguish of those who cry out to you with your Son:
  ’My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Help us to hear the cry, ‘I thirst’;
  help us to see your Son, even in the least of his brothers.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
To the man dying with him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I say to you, this day you will be with me in Paradise.’
  Father, let these words be heard again by those who die tonight.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
We pray for those who have gone before us, signed with the sign of the cross:
  may they rise with Christ in power when his voice resounds again through the universe: ‘It is consummated.’
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. [2]

[1] It makes no difference to me how young or old a person is relative to my age because there is always something new to learn from them.  Do not allow your pride to shut down your mind.  Keep it forever young. Keep it forever innocent.  You never know who God uses to speak to you.  God is present everywhere, be always ready with a receptive mind.

[2] The page with this reading will not open because the website updates daily.  I was reading/praying today's vespers with Air on a G String by J.S.Bach played by Lang Lang at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ave Maria By Franz Schubert And Choral Fantasy By Ludwig van Beethoven

Worth a listen:, Lang Lang, pianist.

[What follows added Friday, July 19, 2013 - completed at 1:31a.m.]

Notice toward the end, he caught a rose petal and put it in the pocket of his jacket?  I did not see the catch but loved the gesture.  It was one of those private moments only he knows what happened and what it meant to him.

Talent is a gift from God.  I think every genius knows this.  How could they not?  They are geniuses and as such, they must at one time or another wondered, "how did I become so gifted?"  Has any genius answered this question to a scientific certainty?  Without even trying, many geniuses instead had thanked God by using their respective talent to glorify God and give the world gifts that lasts through time.  Ludwig van Beethoven composed Missa Solemnis, Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Johann Sebastian Bach and others composed many masses.  Michelangelo carved the Pietà out of marble, Vincent Van Gogh painted the Pietà after Eugène Delacroix and Albert Einstein had this to say, "even though the realms of religion and science in themselves are clearly marked off from each other, nevertheless there exist between the two strong reciprocal relationships and dependencies. Though religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion. To this there also belongs the faith in the possibility that the regulations valid for the world of existence are rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." [1]

Sometimes, God is not satisfied with just one genius but wants a group of them to gather together, bridging time and space, as in the case of musical compositions where the gift remains silent and lifeless until performed. An example would be Beethoven's piano concerto in E-flat major, Opus 73 [2].  Another would be the Fantasy in C-minor for piano, chorus and orchestra, Opus 80, also by Beethoven [3].

[3] This is a lousy, tinny sounding recording uploaded in three parts but it is the only one with Lang Lang as pianist on youtube as of this date:,

The recording, the separation of sounds, and the soloists (possibly the piano, too) are incomparably better in this Evgeny Kissin's version conducted by Claudio Abbado where the piano playing is equally superb, the third movement at:  This recording in full at:

Beethoven Fantasy in C-minor is my favorite of all of Beethoven's works (on par with his Missa Solemnis, especially the part with the violin solo).  Its perfect and bold German musical structure was assembled in parts with passion, anger, sadness, beauty, delicate sweetness and deep meditation culminating in an explosive euphony of orchestra, piano and chorus with unparalleled universal grandeur in the third movement - if that is just a taste of heaven, I cannot wait for it - and it alone is enough evidence that God is part of man (every man, woman and child) and enough incentive to love God dearly.  Sadly, these days this relatively short (about 20 minutes) but monumental piece of music performed is rarely performed since it is probably quite costly to assemble that much talent to perform it regularly.  If I were a dictator, I will have it performed every year live by the world's best talents to ring in the new year and demand that it will be heard by every one of my subjects, including the deaf ones, to honor the composer, so the beauty of human existence can echo in their heads for all 365 days.

[What follows added Friday, July 19, 2013 - completed at 11:11p.m.]
The libretto of the vocal portion follows (

"German text English translation
Schmeichelnd hold und lieblich klingen Delightfully graceful and sweet is the sound
unseres Lebens Harmonien, of the harmonies in our life,
und dem Schönheitssinn entschwingen and from a sense of beauty arise
Blumen sich, die ewig blühn. flowers in eternal bloom.
Fried und Freude gleiten freundlich Peace and joy together glide,
wie der Wellen Wechselspiel. like the changing play of the waves.
Was sich drängte rauh und feindlich, All that was harsh and hostile,
ordnet sich zu Hochgefühl. turns to exalted feeling.
Wenn der Töne Zauber walten When music's enchantment reigns,
und des Wortes Weihe spricht, speaking of the sacred word,
muss sich Herrliches gestalten, greatness must take form,
Nacht und Stürme werden Licht. night and storms turn into light.
Äuss're Ruhe, inn're Wonne Outward calm, inner bliss
herrschen für den Glücklichen. take reign in those that are fortunate.
Doch der Künste Frühlingssonne But the spring's sun of art
lässt aus beiden Licht entstehn. lets light flow from both.
Großes, das ins Herz gedrungen, Greatness, once it has pierced the heart,
blüht dann neu und schön empor. then blossoms anew and beautiful.
Hat ein Geist sich aufgeschwungen, Once the soul has taken flight,
hallt ihm stets ein Geisterchor. it is echoed by a choir of spirits.
Nehmt denn hin, ihr schönen Seelen, Accept then, you beautiful souls,
froh die Gaben schöner Kunst the gifts of the high arts.
Wenn sich Lieb und Kraft vermählen, When love and power are united,
lohnt den Menschen Göttergunst. God’s grace is bestowed upon Man."

Monday, July 15, 2013

Two Masters

These words ring true and no one can do anything to change that [1]: "You cannot serve both God and money," from the Gospel of Matthew at 6:24.  It is not that one has hate and love the other, or devoted to one and despise the other; it is that in today's world there is no practical means to ignore the ubiquity of money and serve God exclusively, not any priest, nun, monk, minister, cardinal, pope or any ascetic in any religion or any person without a religion [2].  In other words, with perhaps the exception of the woman in footnote [2], everyone is corrupted by Judas' 30 pieces of silver that Satan transformed into the world's currencies.

Even those who desire to serve the poor need money to give them water, food, shelter and medication.  While Mother Nature does provide water, food and caves and herbs to cure certain ailments [3], they are no longer easy to come by because man has destroyed so much of Mother Nature in order to "advance civilization" and "make life easier" for everyone, for money, of course.

So what is a person who wish to serve God wholeheartedly to do?  If he gives up his work and all his money and belongings, who will feed him, clothe him and shelter him?  How can a mendicant help the destitute?  Are the poor all so deserving and if so, what did Christ do for them during His time here?  There were poor people back then too but he did not go to their weddings and turn their water into wine.

If anyone has answers to these questions, please answer them here with for without your help, I can never hope to walk free in the light of Christ but forever exist under the shackles of Satan, continuously betraying Christ under the cover of darkness with coins in my hand which are, in essence, the very same coins that Judas held in his.

[1] That is no one except the most holy and the only person with original sin who was able to live and die by those words was Saint Francis of Assisi.
[2] While writing these words I had in the back of my mind an article I read some years ago, at the start of the US invasion of Afghanistan, about an American woman, found by the US military, who before the US invasion left the comforts of American life to live among the Afghans (I think to serve their needs).  If she was/is doing what I think she was/is doing, she could be the only person I am aware of who is able to prove wrong my assertion.  To her, I humbly bow, and admit my error, ask her for her forgiveness and her blessing.
[3] Certain ailments curable only by modern medications are advance ailments and medications that have surfaced due to the sin of greed for money and power.  Going back again to the Garden of Eden, there were no diseases, and no mosquitoes.  Did you hear Eve or Adam say, "I have a headache, or I'm sick of itching day and night with these insect bites therefore I have to disobey God and eat the Apple of Knowledge, so that I will know not only good and evil but also how to make an insecticide to kill these pests and an asprin"?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Be Happy With Yourself

Go to the mirror.  Look at your face.  Smile, look at your smiling face.  Move closer to the mirror.  Look into your kind eyes.  Look deeply into them.  Do you see the beauty and kindness of God looking back at you?  If you do, that is because you love God and God loves you.  Be happy with yourself.  You are a treasure of God and will forever be a treasure of God.  Do not be depressed. Do not abuse yourself.  Be kind to yourself first.  Then be kind to your mother and father or the ones who have raised you.  Then be kind to your siblings, your mentors, your friends, your acquaintances and those who have helped you and those who have one way or another have tangentially become a part of your life.  Pray for all of them.  Pray for those whom you do not personally know, because you like them, because you do not like them, because they are suffering, because they are leading successful and happy lives, because they have done God's work or because they have committed unspeakable sins.  All have beginnings in goodness and God, even though some have sold their souls to Satan, like Judas who betrayed Jesus.

"Wasted" by LLP

Wasted lyrics from
Wasted song on youtube:

"Don't waste it, It's only here for today, You don't own it, So you can't just give it away, Forever, Forever is half a moment away, So don't waste it, It's only here for today, Everything is waiting here, 
"Don't mess with my heart, don't mess with my mind, Won't let you get us down this time. You'll like what you see, and take it from me, You'll learn to see it over time. Get wasted on love, get wasted on life, Get wasted on anything that's right. Get wasted, get wasted, get wasted, Get wasted with me.

"It seems empty, I don't know what you expect, If you don't give, You're never going to get,  Forever is half a moment away, You don't get, back what you thew away. Everything is waiting here.

"Don't mess with my heart, don't mess with my mind, Won't let you get us down this time. You'll like what you see, and take it from me, You'll learn to see it over time. Get wasted on love, get wasted on life, Get wasted on anything that's right. Get wasted, get wasted, get wasted, Get wasted with me.

"Everything is waiting here

"Don't mess with my heart, don't mess with my mind, Won't let you get us down this time. You'll like what you see, and take it from me, You'll learn to see it over time. Get wasted on love, get wasted on life, Get wasted on anything that's right. Get wasted, get wasted, get wasted, Get wasted with me."

Mother Angelica

After being an initial fan of Teresa of Calcutta, I had decided that she was an ambitious lady who had done much but short of saintly.  I might have committed the sin of pride for I have judged her while not even having even done a miniscule fraction of what she had accomplished.  My idea of one who is saintly is not one who is famous or have or had done things that grab the attention of the world, but one who loves deeply and sincerely God, and God's only Son, Jesus and His Mother, and ours, the Virgin Mary and does the best to his or her ability to serve those around him or her.  Even if he or she can save just one soul, that is saintly enough for me -- it does not have to number in the hundreds, or hundreds of thousands.

Mother Angelica is another lady who has done things that have grabbed international attention, at least of those who are Catholic.  I like her.  I love her.  I believe that she was not driven by ambition but by humility and obedience to God.  I accidentally came across a blogger who believes she is an instrument of Satan because she had gotten so much money to build the "temple" in Hanceville, Alabama: The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery. [1]  I hope this blogger will find that Mother Angelica truly saw a vision of Baby Jesus in Bogatá, Columbia, who asked her to build a temple.  I believe that Mother Angelica saw this vision and it was not "made-up" or from a desire to be powerful and/or famous.

Mother Angelica,

Pray for me. 

With all my love, Al

[1] The Shirne of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monestary  
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with spending millions upon millions of dollars glorifying God, the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, Mother of God.  There is also nothing wrong with millionaire monks and nuns who live in the spirit of poverty, who assist the needy, who love God without reservation, even though they may enjoy the luxuries of life on earth and share them with others [2], for Heaven have even more abundant luxuries waiting for the faithful ones.  I think money is cheap but a lot of people put a lot of weight on it because it buys so much, so much of what our existence simply does not need.  What we do need is a place, a place of awe that reaches up to the heavens, to do God's will "on earth and it is in heaven" and that is to pray to God and to ask others to join in.  To have this place, money needs to be spent.  Money is but a medium of exchange, and when this medium is used in buying things that are not necessary, how cheap is that medium?  In other words, one is using something to gain something not needed, then one has just exchanged something worthless for something equally worthless.  Building a place of worship with money is exchanging something worthless for something worthwhile.  And as a result of that exchange, there is borne a place where our time, our kindness and our love are shared generously with others, if not by deed then by dedicated prayers.  That is rich.  God is rich because those are the things we receive from God - God's time, God's kindness and God's love.  Without God's time to listen to us, God's kindness in caring for us, God's love in forgiving us, then we are already in Satan's Hell.  A person who spends wealth in glorifying God is not under the influence of Satan; the person who is envious of such spending is.
[2] I found this passage (Acts of the Apostles 4:32-5:11) on the internet after writing this at":
"32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. 33 And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. 34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold 35 and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. 36 Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, 37 sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet."
So glad to find support in the Bible for my thought.

Youth, Maturity And Beyond

In my youth I searched for happiness in the company of friends and in material possessions but ended up being unhappy when the happiness I found was fleeting, and when those happy moments passed, silence and void returned with a vengeance, causing depression, depression that was at times deep and painful.  I prayed to get out of it, and when I felt better, I would  gather enough courage to go out and search again, and again, in the hope that I would find lasting happiness filled with fun and laughter, but that was not to be.  I never succeeded in reaching the level of happiness I desired.

The depression that followed each failed search was shallower, less painful and shorter than the previous.  I was used to the pain that grabbed my entire being and was able to force myself to function normally despite its presence, as difficult as it was at times, by holding my head high, my tears back and myself together.  I was beginning to manage depression's debilitating effects.  That was a blessing.

As time passed by quietly in the background without my awareness, so passed slowly but steadily my dreams and cravings for happiness and a free and sexually satiated life in the flesh with the simultaneous existence of good looks and health of youth and the gift of wealth and comfort.  In lieu of searching continually for my unfulfillable youthful fantasies of unspeakable joy, I was compelled by a negative energy fueled by floundering hormones without a goal, the meaninglessness of life and an unhealthy curiosity of all that is depraved to go into the dark crevices to look for the sinister desires that titillate, even though God was not far from my thoughts (I brought Him along).  Eventually, escapades of that sort became less and less of a compulsion with every passing year, like seeing the same movie over and over.

Perhaps it was ennui, perhaps it was a quiet confidence in myself that ever so gradually replaced the void and loneliness within.  If that is maturity, then maturity is quite desirable, short of any other option.  Yet maturity cannot the pinnacle of existence even though I do not know what the pinnacle of existence is for I have not been there.  I just know there is something more, something more than just confidence, more than satisfaction with the current station in life, more than mere mortal fulfillment of the daily needs and more than just an ordinary peaceful life without turmoil or too much stress.

Not knowing what the pinnacle of existence is does not prevent me from speculating what it could be, whether or not it is attainable in the flesh.  I believe that it means having complete spiritual fulfillment, co-extensive with the fulfillment that the Holy Spirit can offer the human cavity and completely fill it even though It is ever expanding, even though no human constitution can contain It.  I believe that it means having absolute peace, peace in the Eternal God, and inner peace that is perfect and therefore constant and unchangeable and imperturbable.  I believe that it means having a loyal and unbreakable bond that is eternally connected with Christ, a bond that brings to the forefront lasting happiness with the One who can save anyone who desires Him from eternal damnation.  And I believe that it requires the constant unfailing and selfless unconditional love of a mother and that can only come from the Mother of all, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

JohnPaul II Slated To Become A Saint!?

What is this world coming to?  Answer:  An end.

I do not know what the rest of the world thinks, but the late pope John Paul II was not from my perspective particularly saintly during his life; nonetheless, without my vote he is to become a saint. [1]  Some have even suggested that if JP2 became a saint, he should be the Patron Saint of Pedophiles.  As to the miracles attributed to him I must ask, why in the world would these ignorant nuns ask this dead man to intercede for them in the first place when they have so many other truly holy saints of the past to pray to, such as Saint Francis of Assisi who died with the wounds of Christ and Saint Bernadette of Lourdes who brought us healing water under the direction of the Virgin Mary (they are my favorite saints), as well as the Virgin Mary, our Mother and Christ Himself.  Why?  Were they being used?  Were they paid to make a false claims and admissions?  Why do people want JP2 to become a saint anyway?  How much money did the Vatican receive from the rich in Poland and elsewhere to elevate and fast track him to sainthood?  Although I am not a fan of Teresa of Calcutta, was she not at least as "saintly" and JP2?  Why is she not fast tracked to sainthood?  Is it because she does not have any supporters willing to pay the Vatican?  Is Francis, the pope, not a fan of hers?

The Catholic church is becoming more and more shrouded in political intrigue than spiritual mystique.  That cannot bode well for the future, for the Truth of God that is always simple, indisputable, and straight-forward and it is to be shown to all, without apology and with the hope that all will live by.

All the recent activities including actions taken and not taken (i.e. deliberate omissions) by this pope, including the most recent money laundering escapade [2] and his refusal to comment on the status of Catholic gays in America who can now marry and raise children [3], for example, that cannot see the light are the antithesis of God, sanctioned and promoted by the enemy Satan. [4]

[4] The money laundering was sanctioned by the Vatican and who is in charge now?  Francis, the Pope (the fake Francis, the Francis of Assisi impersonator).  We must pray that he be unshackled by the chains of Satan soon before he is doomed.  Can he, according to Saint Malachy, really be the last pope?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prayer For Hope By San Francesco Caracciolo, C.R.M.

"By St. Francis Caracciolo, CRM 

"Merciful God, I firmly hope that with Your help and the good deeds done with Your grace I will enter into your eternal glory.

"Even if I have committed many grave sins, even if I have lived a life of freedom and turned away from You.

"Even if I was guilty of all the sins from the beginning of the world till today, You, God of love and mercy would forgive me.

"I certainly hope with the help of Your grace to overcome all difficulties of this life to live in the land of the living forever. Amen." [1]


Friday, July 5, 2013

Divine Images

Sometimes, divine images cannot be captured with a camera, because they are too ephemeral or they are not supposed to be captured [1]; rather, they capture the imagination.  These images do not occur often, not to me, and they are meant to be seen only by the seer's eyes regardless of the presence of other people.  Since they are always unexpected and unusual, and cannot be explained by physics or duplicated by man,  they are always remembered by those who have seen them [2], even though they are not famous, unlike the Marian apparitions.

[1] A camera is not available, or perhaps not working.
[2] Some of the ones I had seen I tried to draw them, even though I do not have any artistic talent to speak of, so I supplement my sketches with a narrative.  Some images I have not drawn because they are they difficult to illustrate [3] for they are meaningful only in a series and that is way beyond my God-given abilities.
[3] For example, an image that is indescribably beautiful and defies the laws of physics.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lust, Desire & Humility

Lust in the heart lit by physical attraction creates in the mind an ideal image that ignites both desire and passion for possession which in turn fuel an incessant internal and painfully longing obsession that needs to be extinguished by true humility through prayer so that the troubled soul can return to its state of inner peace.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A New Word For Me: Supplication

Many blue moons would pass before I would even think of picking up the Bible but a few nights ago I have decided to read the Book of Psalms while having dinner (not necessarily a good idea because I have gotten four food stains on two pages already).  In doing so, I saw the word supplication and had to look up its meaning. defines supplication as "humble prayer."  I would have used that word quite a bit already had I known of its existence.  Now that I know, I am going to use the verb "supplicate" in a sentence: To supplicate, one must suffocate his conceit, subdue his arrogance, show his sincerity, admit his weaknesses and infuse his deepest love into his prayer.